

(Accounting & Book-keeping) a person or organization that is audited
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The criteria for judging an auditee's financial statements are GAAP.
The feedback from an auditee is similar to the meaningful recommendations in that both factors consider the value added to the company by the audit department.
Independence-in-fact issues arise when auditors have a direct financial relationship with the auditee. Auditors of NFP entities could have independence-in-fact issues arising over unpaid invoices for previously rendered services or, more remotely, loans made to the audit client.
Instead, she says she meant that the auditee is not ready so they must get their papers together and she will give time to do that audit.
Moreover, the threat of a modified opinion could also result in governments significantly delaying the issuance of their financial statements as they seek solutions, consider ramifications (for example, continuing disclosure requirements, disqualification from "low-risk auditee" status for purposes of the Federal Single Audit), or set times to brief elected bodies prior to issuance.
The results showed that, in the view of independent auditors, audited audit committee, extent and experience of audit firms and the extent of the auditee's firm are considered as factors enhancing auditor independence, and professional competition is considered as the factor decreasing the auditor's independence.
C'est une note semestrielle auditee, et la loi oblige les societes cotees en Bourse a donner en toute transparence des informations periodiques sur le comportement du titre ainsi que sur l'entreprise.
Taken together, these findings suggest that there is a higher probability of the audited firm being a multinational when the auditee has received a qualified opinion in the audit report.
We always need to keep in mind that the auditor and the auditee in a financial statement audit both have the same objective: to develop a fair assessment of the entity's financial data.
Pilgrim's Audit Management solution simplifies, directs and enhances the Auditee's response experience through the system, and SmartPulse provides risk-based analysis to help auditors schedule their highest risk areas.
use a measurement for timing that equals the proportion of total revenue testing hours conducted at the auditee's fiscal year-end, and categorize audit evidence based upon its independence where more independent information is deemed to be more persuasive.