

a person who attains or achieves something
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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john83t Sorry but if someone applies for a job and is the highest attainer at the interview why should they be knocked back because of the PC brigade?
Morrison stands solidly behind Baby Suggs in proclaiming imagination as an attainer of grace, as a oneness with the eternal delight of Energy in the Divine Body, and that this insight is firmly Blakean in its allusive reference.
It is clear that, at the national level, a child in a school where over 50 per cent of children receive FSM is about six times as likely to be a low attainer in mathematics than a child in a school where under 8 per cent of children are eligible for FSM.
``He never gave up on anyone, always believing that with support and encouragement even the low attainer would one day achieve success.
Amongst the highest attainers are head boy Nathan Hall with 12A*/A; Matt Bodman with 10A*/A; head girl Mabli Kadelka-Williams with 9A*/A; Leoni Jones with 8A*/A; and Ellice Gallagher with 7A*/A.
The most disturbing trend is the drop by up to 40% in the number of ''attainers'' - teenagers at school or college who are meant to join the register prior to voting age (18).
And many of the pupils who attend Unity City Academy were already low attainers in primary school.
"Whilst rightly celebrating the fantastic achievements of the high attainers, the school was delighted with the progress made by all students from their different academic starting points on entry to the school in Year 7."
Fifteen students attended a Year 10 Higher Attainers Conference, organised for students from across the city and beyond, by Caludon Castle School staff.