

opposed to men
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Aside from being motivated by now ingrained antimale prejudice and other biases, are some academics assuaging and expiating their own guilt by sacrificing (sometimes) innocent blood on their altar of political correctness?
India and some Middle Eastern countries have their own antimale harassment versions.
So she ticked the name recognition and experience boxes, but was nonetheless able to run almost an outsider's antimale establishment campaign - wearing green to emphasise her freshness - having announced her own nomination literally while her party, the conservative (and masculist) Liberal Democrats, were preparing to nominate another elderly male.
Corbyn clearly registering something with women A group of male malcontents called Dadsecurity launched a cyber-attack on the website Mumsnet, punishing the website for what they called for its "antimale agenda" by crashing the network.
(15) For example, Naomi Wolf refers to second-wave feminism as "victim feminism" and portrays it as "sexually judgmental, even antisexual," "judgmental of other women's sexuality and appearance," and "self-righteous." (16) In response to this stereotypical characterization, some third-wave feminists claim to be "less rigid and judgmental than their mothers' generation, which they often represent as antimale, antisex, antifemininity and antifun," depicting their version of feminism as more inclusive and racially diverse than the second-wave.
Many women do not want to be considered a fighter, antimale, unfeminine, or belligerent.
The debates are promiscuous heterosexuality, gun/violence, antimale homosexuality, conspicuous consumption, and the noveau presentation of a fashioned and styled dancehall variant of maleness, or a biologized hypermasculinity.
Mr Raab had told MPs the Government should make maternity leave "transferable" between men and women if it wanted to tackle "antimale discrimination".
None of the founders was a member of NOW, which they considered antimale. Instead they thought of themselves as "feminists who liked men," "tough women taking care of themselves and others." (55)
She cheered up the men present at the otherwise heavy- duty female event by saying, " It may sound like we don't like men, but I am not antimale." She added that she had first met her husband at the FICCI auditorium several years ago, when they were in school.
From the beginning, Sike knew that the Association's existence would provoke the accusations typically leveled at feminist organizations worldwide: that it was antimale, anti-marriage, and pro-prostitution, and that it sought to corrupt women, emasculate men, and disrupt social stability.
(8) Her arguments are protofeminist, as antimale as they are profemale, and they illustrate both a dangerous rhetorical proficiency and Florinda's role as representative of a particular genre of character.