

serving to prevent leaks
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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By setting users' security access policy for the medical privacy data, using the security and antileak system in the open CMIoT environment, the relationships among users, sensitive data, and permissions can be customized flexibly, and the access authority to sensitive data can be managed dynamically.
(337) Narrowing the coverage of an antileak statute
FitRight is also the only brief that offers soft antileak guards to reduce leakage, according to Medline.
Medline offers a full line of products providing maximum absorbency, leakage protection, and comfort, including Ultra-Soft Disposable briefs, featuring a soft-cloth outer cover and breathable side panels; Capri Bladder control pads, providing discreet protection for active adults; Molicare Mobile protective underwear with antileak cuffs; Molicare Classic Plus disposable briefs with antileak cuffs, containing Curly fiber that neutralizes the urine's pH; and Ultrasorbs Disposable underpads, featuring a new high-performance absorbent core for superior dryness and protection.
As director of central intelligence (DCI) under Clinton, Tenet promoted an "antileak statute," designed to make potential felons of those who express themselves on any issue about which they ever had access to classified information.
Executives with CNN, The Washington Post, The New York Times and the Newspaper Association of America criticized the "antileak" law in a three-page letter sent to Clinton in October.