

acting against influenza
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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'The DOH has a supply of antiflu medication and commodities whenever regional health offices and hospitals will require these,' the DOH said.
The plant is antirheumatic, anticarcinogenic, antiflu, antitussive, analgesic and anti-inflammatory [6,10] and insecticidal (mosquito larvae) [11].
Fluamine, a new synthetic analgensic and antiflu drug.
Several biological functions are associated with species by popular medicine, used for the treatment of burns, headache, colic, fever, reports of antiflu activity, antiemetic, carminative, insecticide, repellent, antibacterial, and combat intestinal parasites [3-5].
The article highlights incidents involving counterfeit medications including the anticancer drug Avastin, the weight-loss drug Alli, and the antiflu drug Tamiflu.
The piece features a stoical penguin with a woolen scarf gripping an oversize box of the titular antiflu tablets under its wing and floating on a shrunken chunk of iceberg off a subtropical coastline dotted with palm trees and pyramids.
most well known medication is its AntigrippinMaximum (an OTC drug), which was the number two antiflu medication brand in Russia during winter 201011 (14.6% of sales in the segment, according to Protek).
Lemongrass (Cympopogon citratus L.) is used in treatment of candiurectic, emmenagogue, antiflatulence, antiflu and antimicrobial agents, [22-25] while galangal root can be purchased fresh or dried.
He says that Oseltamivir (Tamiflu of Roche and Antiflu of Cipla) or Zanamivir (Relenza of Roche and Virenza of Cipla) are taken for the treatment and/or prevention of H1N1 viruses.
This would allow a patient to be treated early with an antiflu drug if positively diagnosed, or, for example, a nursing home population to be prophylactically treated if a positive index ease is identified.
After knowing this result, we have started giving him anti-viral drug, commercially available with different companies like Tamiflu, Antiflu. In fact the symptoms have come down," said Dr.