

(Physiology) counteracting the formation of fat; fat-reducing
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Effects of competing news media frames of weight on antifat stigma, beliefs about weight and support for obesity-related public policies.
Crandall (1994) argued that antifat attitudes can be strengthened by social ideologies and cultural variables.
Dentre as escalas que avaliam as atitudes em relacao a obesidade, a Antifat Attitudes Test--AFAT (32) foi desenvolvida e avaliada com estudantes universitarios americanos e possui itens que abordam tres dimensoes das atitudes em relacao a obesidade e aos obesos: a "depreciacao social e do carater", a "nao atratividade fisica e romantica" (uma dimensao nao explorada anteriormente em outros trabalhos), e o "controle do peso e culpa".
Weight stigma, weight bias, weight prejudice, weight discrimination, body shaming, and antifat discrimination are synonymous terms used to describe negative attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours towards individuals who have been classified as overweight or living with obesity.
Saguy concludes that her collective results "suggest news reports on the 'obesity epidemic' intensify antifat stigma but that it is more difficult--in a society so saturated with antifat messages--to lessen antifat prejudice or promote size diversity as a positive value." Id.
Pepper & Ruiz (2007) investigated the role of acculturation in antifat attitudes.
Also, due to negative experiences with healthcare professionals who hold antifat prejudices, heavier women are less likely to get regular pap smears than thinner women, and thus have higher rates of cervical cancer.
Thus, the growing popularity of her Fat Black Woman's Poems, which came out in 1984 and was re-printed 15 times since its publication (8 times since 2000), points to the increasing relevance of her work when viewed in relation to the antifat bias prevailing in the current Western cultural landscape.
menu was being devised in the thick of the American antifat campaign,