

opposing cars
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I'm fed up with all the eco anticar hysteria that's polluting many a mind of those I once believed to be sane.
Dy urged the LTO and PNP to use social networking site Facebook as a registry platform while they come up with their online anticar theft portal.
The police chief directed the Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) South and SSP AntiCar Lifting Cell (ACLC) to ensure immediate recovery of the vehicle and arrest culprits involved.
It must be nice for the green anticar lobby to smugly walk and cycle past the shuttered shops of our high streets, the death of which is largely due to their blinkered efforts.
Of course we also have an anticar Labour council who like the prestige of grandiose buildings, but who will do nothing to improve the surrounding area in order to accommodate the extra traffic heading to the site.
Can we imagine mobility futures, not simply after the car as we know it, or anticar and therefore defined by it, but beyond the car and off the grid of automobility?
Coun Jenkins (Con Four Oaks) said: "This is all part of an anticar narrative.
According anticar lifting police cell, on a tip off, the police carried out an operation near Toor Bangash Chowki in Orangi Town.
Izverna P (1990) Batranul anticar. Bucuresti : Cartea Romaneasca.
New research shows that while Labour has often been branded anticar by critics, in fact the Conservatives have presided over increases in duty and sales tax which actually cost motorists twice as much.
The general pattern of endotoxin exposure and cancer that emerges from existing epidemiologic research is one suggestive of an anticar cinogenic effect of endotoxin exposure that occurs in the lung and, perhaps, other organs.
Mr Flux said: "I urge Lib Dems to put aside their anticar agenda and park the local road charge scheme for good.