
AIDERS, crim. law. Those who assist, aid, or abet the principal, and who are principals in the second degree. 1. Russell, 21.

A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.
References in classic literature ?
Mrs Varden's chief aider and abettor, and at the same time her principal victim and object of wrath, was her single domestic servant, one Miss Miggs; or as she was called, in conformity with those prejudices of society which lop and top from poor hand- maidens all such genteel excrescences--Miggs.
The cruelty of which he had been an unwilling witness, the coarse and ruffianly behaviour of Squeers even in his best moods, the filthy place, the sights and sounds about him, all contributed to this state of feeling; but when he recollected that, being there as an assistant, he actually seemed--no matter what unhappy train of circumstances had brought him to that pass--to be the aider and abettor of a system which filled him with honest disgust and indignation, he loathed himself, and felt, for the moment, as though the mere consciousness of his present situation must, through all time to come, prevent his raising his head again.
Instantly to turn upon me, charging that I have no sense of the enormity of the crime itself, but am its aider and abettor!
'that it is apprehended you are going to fight a duel, and that the other man, Tupman, is your aider and abettor in it.
You can DIY hack everything from Amsteel ropes for your sticks and steps to lightweight climbing aiders to carbon bolts for tree steps, and you'll find multiple YouTube how-to videos on each method.
Philippine Red Cross (PRC) Chairman Richard Gordon on Monday urged all businessmen in the country to have trained first aiders in their establishments following the accident that led to the death of veteran actor Eddie Garcia.
Persimmon Homes West Midlands will hold mental health awareness days within its business and two employees will take part in a national programme to become fully qualified mental health first aiders.
Persimmon Homes West Midlands, which has its regional office at Broadlands, Wolverhampton, will hold mental health awareness days within its business and two employees will take part in a national training programme to become fully qualified mental health first aiders. Paul Curry, Persimmon's national training manager, is a fully qualified mental health first aid trainer and will be leading the programme in the West Midlands.
STAFF at East Midlands Airport have been trained as mental health first aiders to better support workers and passengers who may have mental health challenges.
A HEADTEACHER is highlighting the importance of mental health first aiders in schools in line with Mental Health Awareness Week this week.
The mental health first aiders will receive extensive training through NHSaccredited material and be able to identify someone who is developing a mental health issue, and guide them to the relevant service.