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Based on suggestions made at the Life Cycle Workshop, it was hypothesized that an intermediate host for Haplosporidium nelsoni (necessary to the parasite life cycle, in which some development, such as spores, occurs) would be a mobile species, probably a zooplankter that would produce spores at about the time that oysters are first becoming infected in early summer.
De novo assembly of a transcriptome for Calanus finmarchicus (Crustacea, Copepoda)--the dominant zooplankter of the North Atlantic Ocean.
Our zooplankton values were also lower in the presence of high values of nutrients and Chl-a during the January and October cruises, which could be due to the time lag between the transference from primary producers to zooplankter organisms.
Bythotrephes longimanus (Leydig 1860) is a predacious zooplankter native to the Ponto-Caspian region that invaded the Great Lakes during the mid-1980s (Lehman 1987).
Larvae begin feeding on large phytoplankton and small zooplankter and follow feeding on increasingly larger zooplankter (Hunter, 1981), which was also observed in the present study as the fish grew in size it preferred larger zooplankton than smaller like C.
An exotic zooplankter native to Asia, Australia, and Africa, D.
It infects a major marine zooplankter, which occupies a key position in marine food webs.Even though predation by these marine plankton grazers is a major pathway of carbon transfer and nutrient recycling in marine and freshwater systems, we know next to nothing about the role viruses play in this system," noted Curtis.
A zooplankter feeding on just one type of particle can be seen as being in high gain mode as it lets the potential in other resource particles pass by with no attempt at capture.
lumholtzi with completely developed spines and gape-limited predators is necessary before the ecological impacts of this exotic zooplankter can be fully assessed.