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adj. rot·ten·er, rot·ten·est
1. Being in a state of putrefaction or decay; decomposed.
2. Having a foul odor resulting from or suggestive of decay; putrid.
3. Made weak or unsound by rot: rotten floorboards.
4. Morally corrupt or despicable: She's rotten to the core.
5. Very bad; wretched: rotten weather.
To a very great degree: The child is spoiled rotten.

[Middle English roten, from Old Norse rotinn.]

rot′ten·ly adv.
rot′ten·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Biochemistry) affected with rot; decomposing, decaying, or putrid
2. breaking up, esp through age or hard use; disintegrating: rotten ironwork.
3. morally despicable or corrupt
4. untrustworthy, disloyal, or treacherous
5. informal unpleasant, unfortunate, or nasty: rotten luck; rotten weather.
6. informal unsatisfactory or poor: rotten workmanship.
7. informal miserably unwell
8. informal distressed, uncomfortable, and embarrassed: I felt rotten when I told him to go.
9. (Geological Science) (of rocks, soils, etc) soft and crumbling, esp as a result of weathering
10. slang chiefly Austral and NZ intoxicated; drunk
extremely; very much: men fancy her rotten.
[C13: from Old Norse rottin; related to Old English rotian to rot1]
ˈrottenly adv
ˈrottenness n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈrɒt n)

adj. -er, -est.
1. having rotted; decomposing or decaying.
2. tainted or foul-smelling; putrid.
3. corrupt or morally offensive.
4. wretchedly bad or unsatisfactory; miserable: a rotten day.
5. contemptible; despicable: a rotten trick.
[1175–1225; Middle English roten < Old Norse rotinn, akin to rot]
rot′ten•ly, adv.
rot′ten•ness, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.rotten - very bad; "a lousy play"; "it's a stinking world"
colloquialism - a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech
bad - having undesirable or negative qualities; "a bad report card"; "his sloppy appearance made a bad impression"; "a bad little boy"; "clothes in bad shape"; "a bad cut"; "bad luck"; "the news was very bad"; "the reviews were bad"; "the pay is bad"; "it was a bad light for reading"; "the movie was a bad choice"
2.rotten - damaged by decay; hence unsound and useless; "rotten floor boards"; "rotted beams"; "a decayed foundation"
unsound - not in good condition; damaged or decayed; "an unsound foundation"
3.rotten - having decayed or disintegrated; usually implies foulness; "dead and rotten in his grave"
stale - lacking freshness, palatability, or showing deterioration from age; "stale bread"; "the beer was stale"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


2. crumbling, decayed, disintegrating, perished, corroded, unsound The bay window is rotten.
3. (Informal) bad, disappointing, unfortunate, unlucky, regrettable, deplorable What rotten luck!
4. (Informal) despicable, mean, base, dirty, nasty, unpleasant, filthy, vile, wicked, disagreeable, contemptible, scurrilous, shitty (taboo slang) You rotten swine!
5. (Informal) unwell, poorly (informal), ill, sick, rough (informal), bad, crook (Austral. & N.Z. informal), below par, off colour, under the weather (informal), ropey or ropy (Brit. informal) I felt rotten with the flu.
6. (Informal) inferior, poor, sorry, inadequate, unacceptable, punk, duff (Brit. informal), unsatisfactory, lousy (slang), low-grade, substandard, ill-considered, crummy (slang), ill-thought-out, poxy (slang), chickenshit (U.S. slang), of a sort or of sorts, ropey or ropy (Brit. informal) I thought it was a rotten idea.
8. guilty, sorry, ashamed, chastened, contrite, guilt-ridden, remorseful, regretful, conscience-stricken I feel rotten for having spilt the beans like that.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. Smelling of mildew or decay:
2. Impaired because of decay:
3. Utterly reprehensible in nature or behavior:
5. Of decidedly inferior quality:
Informal: cheesy.
Slang: crummy, schlocky.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
andstyggilegur; fjandansrotinn, úldinn
bị thối rữa


1. (gen) → podrido; [food] → pasado; [tooth] → cariado, podrido; [wood] → carcomido, podrido
to smell rottenoler a podrido
see also apple
2. (fig) [system, government] → corrompido (= of bad quality) → pésimo, fatal
it's a rotten noveles una novela pésima or malísima
his English is rottentiene un inglés fatal
how rotten for you!¡cuánto te compadezco!, ¡lo que habrás sufrido!
he's rotten at chesspara el ajedrez es un desastre
I feel rotten (= ill) → me encuentro fatal; (= mean) → me siento culpable
they made me suffer something rottenme hicieron pasarlas negras
what a rotten thing to do!¡qué maldad!
what a rotten thing to happen!¡qué mala suerte!
to be rotten to sbportarse como un canalla con algn
what rotten weather!¡qué tiempo de perros!
he's rotten with moneyestá podrido de dinero
B. ADVmalísimamente, fatal
they played real rottenjugaron fatal
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈrɒtən] adj
(= decayed) [fruit, vegetable, wood, floorboards] → pourri(e)
a rotten apple (lit)une pomme pourrie
(= dishonest) → pourri(e)
a rotten apple (fig)une brebis galeuse
(= bad) [idea, plan, day] → merdique ; [film, singer] → nul(le)
what rotten luck! → quelle déveine!, quelle guigne!
what rotten weather! → quel temps pourri!
[cold, headache] → carabiné(e)
to feel rotten (= ill) → être mal fichu(e)
(= unkind) → dégueulasse
That's a rotten thing to do → C'est dégueulasse de faire une chose pareille.
to feel rotten (= guilty) → se sentir honteux/euse
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


vegetation, egg, toothfaul; woodmorsch, faul; fruitfaul, verdorben; (fig: = corrupt) → korrupt, verdorben; rotten to the core (fig)durch und durch verdorben; rotten apple (fig)schwarzes Schaf; there’s always one rotten egg (in the basket) (fig)es gibt immer ein schwarzes Schaf
(inf: = poor, incompetent) → mies (inf); she was a rotten driversie war eine miserable Fahrerin; to be rotten at somethingin etw (dat)schlecht sein; I was always rotten at drawingich konnte noch nie gut zeichnen
(inf: = dreadful, unpleasant) → scheußlich (inf); weathermies (inf), → scheußlich (inf); what rotten luck!so ein Pech!; it’s a rotten businessdas ist eine üble Sache; to have a rotten timeeine schlimme Zeit durchmachen; what a rotten time you’re havingwas du zurzeit aber auch alles durchmachen musst! (inf); isn’t it rotten about poor David?ist das nicht furchtbar mit dem armen David?
(inf: = mean) → gemein, eklig; that was a rotten trick/a rotten thing to dodas war ein übler Trick/eine Gemeinheit; that’s a rotten thing to sayes ist gemein, so etwas zu sagen
(inf: = unwell) → elend, mies (inf); to feel rottensich elend fühlen; to look rottenschlecht aussehen
(inf: = guilty) to feel rotten about doing somethingsich (dat)mies vorkommen, etw zu tun (inf)
(inf: = damned) → verdammt (inf); you can keep your rotten bike!du kannst dein verdammtes or blödes Fahrrad behalten! (inf)
(inf) to spoil somebody (something) rottenjdn nach Strich und Faden verwöhnen (inf); to fancy somebody (something) rottenjdn wahnsinnig gernhaben (inf)
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˈrɒtn] adj
a. (fruit, eggs) → marcio/a; (meat) → andato/a a male; (tooth) → cariato/a; (wood) → marcio/a, marcito/a (fig) (morally) → corrotto/a, marcio/a
rotten to the core → completamente marcio/a
b. (fam, YYY) (bad) → schifoso/a, brutto/a; (action) → vigliacco/a
what rotten luck! → che scalogna!
what a rotten thing to do! → che vigliaccata!, che carognata!
I feel rotten (ill) → mi sento da cani (mean) → mi sento un verme
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(rot) past tense, past participle ˈrotted verb
to make or become bad or decayed. The fruit is rotting on the ground; Water rots wood.
1. decay. The floorboards are affected by rot.
2. nonsense. Don't talk rot!
ˈrotten adjective
1. (of meat, fruit etc) having gone bad; decayed. rotten vegetables.
2. bad; mean. What rotten luck!; It was a rotten thing to do.
ˈrottenness noun
ˈrotter noun
a mean, bad person. an absolute rotter.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


عَفِن shnilý rådden verfault σάπιος podrido mätä pourri truo marcio 腐った 썩은 rot råtten zgniły podre гнилой rutten เน่าเปื่อย çürümüş bị thối rữa 腐烂的
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


a. podrido-a, putrefacto-a, corrompido-a; [tooth] cariado-a.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


adj podrido
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
(which always tasted oily), and some rotten vegetable marrows and an old boot or two.
Brooke, taking up the paper and trying to bear the attack as easily as his neighbor did, but coloring and smiling rather nervously; "that about roaring himself red at rotten boroughs--I never made a speech about rotten boroughs in my life.
"I never heard it before, but it's rotten nonsense."
"Besides it would be rotten for your nerves," he said gravely.
Send no lunge beyond thy length; Lend no rotten bough thy strength.
He went to a rotten log near at hand and began to dig under one end of it with his Barlow knife.
Tom's most well now, and got his bullet around his neck on a watch-guard for a watch, and is always seeing what time it is, and so there ain't nothing more to write about, and I am rotten glad of it, because if I'd a knowed what a trouble it was to make a book I wouldn't a tackled it, and ain't a-going to no more.
'Of course, if they like bread, that makes it rather rotten, doesn't it?
With a single, low: "For the Princess of Helium!" I ran my blade straight through the rotten heart of Okar's rotten ruler, and before the white, drawn faces of his nobles Salensus Oll rolled, grinning in horrible death, to the foot of the steps below his marriage throne.
The run-way still ran through the dank and rotten jungle, and they knew no villages would be encountered till rising ground was gained.
Pay its price to-day, and it would shift its present rotten policy to some other rotten policy; but it would never let up on morality and civic duty.
What do you want in these sick and rotten cities of men?