
(redirected from ribbers)
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someone who ribs or teases
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In addition to the traditional risks software projects face, such as organizational, technical and communication, offshore outsourcing projects require more attention on managerial and cultural aspects (Beulen & Ribbers, 2002; Narayanaswamy & Henry, 2005; Wei & Peach, 2006; Yalaho & Nahar, 2008).
The Rock 'N Ribfest will have nationally-renowned ribbers and local restaurants serving up barbecued ribs and other specialties as they compete for the New Hampshire State Barbeque title.
Ribbers Armadillo's, Uncle Bub's, Pigfoot, Salk Creek Barbecue, Desperado's, Texas Outlaws and more will be serving up a variety of barbecue ribs, pulled pork, barbecue chicken and sauces from mild to red hot.
[23.] Michielsen ME, Selles RW, Stam HJ, Ribbers GM, Bussmann JB.
A dozen ribbers compete in three categories; music; family activities and entertainment; business expo; and a daily carnival.
Ribbers, MD, PhD; Rijndam Rehabilitation Centre, Westersingel 300 3015 LJ Rotterdam, the Netherlands; +31-102412411; fax: +31-10-2412434.
A dozen ribbers compete in three categories; national touring acts on the main stage with local acts on a second stage; family area with activities and entertainment; business expo; and a daily carnival.
[53.] Van Baalen B, Ribbers GM, Medema-Meulepas D, Pas MS, Odding E, Stam HJ.
A dozen ribbers compete in three categories; national touring acts on the main stage with local acts on a second stage; free family area with activities and entertainment; business expo; daily carnival; fireworks on July 4.
If eating the ribs deemed the best sounds appealing, find out which of 11 ribbers boast the best ribs, best sauce and kids' choice honors during an awards ceremony at 3 p.m.