Word Finder

Use ? or * as wildcards, ex: r??t demo
Popup Definitions On
Starts with:
Ends with:
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ALL WORDS are shown/inserted at this spot.

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Wordle Solver !
Our old version is here
Lookup word in Oxford Dictionary

Min and Max Length

Setting the Min and Max Length will help speed up page loading time. Word Unscrambler accepts the letters and runs them through the Wordfind engine. The Wordfind engine returns all words found in the dictionary that are between the min and max length. For example, if the Wordfind engine retrieves 10,000 words that are from 2 letter to 12 letters then your browser will get 10,000 words to display. If you change the min length to 3 and max length to 8 the Wordfind engine uses this to filter out longer and shorter words and return only 2,000 words which display much faster. The more filters you set the more the Wordfind engine can help you find the perfect word.

Setting Number of Words Returned

Setting the dropdown box for 'Return Top Words' will let Word Unscrambler know to limit the amount of words returned. Returning fewer words means a much faster response from the server. If the Wordfind engine has to process 20,000 words it will take much longer than the Wordfind enging processing only 2000 or say 200. The speed difference is amazing. Using Word Unscramblers features will help you get the most entertainment from Scrabble and word games.

What is a Scrabble Bingo

In Scrabble, a "bingo" refers to the accomplishment of using all seven of your tiles in a single turn. When you achieve this, you earn a bonus of 50 points on top of the points you score for the word itself. This strategic play can significantly boost your score and is often a key moment in the game.

Key Points About Scrabble Bingos:
Bonus Points: Using all seven tiles gives you an additional 50 points.
Strategic Importance: Bingos can turn the tide in a game, making it essential to look for opportunities to use all your tiles.
Word Knowledge: Knowing a large number of 7-letter words or being able to spot opportunities to build such words is advantageous.
Board Awareness: Understanding and predicting board layout can help you identify potential bingo opportunities.

Tips for Achieving Bingos:
Memorize Common Bingos: Familiarize yourself with common 7-letter words.
Use Prefixes and Suffixes: Adding common prefixes (e.g., re-, un-) or suffixes (e.g., -ing, -ed) can help you form bingos.
Maximize Tile Usage: Try to create overlapping words or utilize high-scoring letters to maximize your score when you achieve a bingo.
Plan Ahead: Keep an eye on the board and the tiles available to plan potential bingos a few turns in advance.

Scrabble Jokes

9. I always get the worst letters when I’m playing Scrabble…Like the one telling me my grandmother died…

8. My mom thought she could beat me at Scrabble, But I wooden letter

7. A truck carrying Scrabble games crashed yesterday. That’s the word on the street, anyway

6. Where do Viking warrior scrabble champions go when they die? Vowel-halla

5. They’ve set up giant Scrabble in a local park. Was going to have a go, but the Q was too big.

4. My wife found out I was cheating on her after she found all the letters I was hiding! She got mad and said she is never playing Scrabble with me again!

3. I saw someone spill their Scrabble letters all over the road the other day. I asked him, “Hey man, what’s the word on the street?”

2. Why is it impossible to keep Oedipus from cheating at Scrabble? He’s always trying to look at his mother’s rack.

1. I was playing scrabble and my dad played the word ‘stneve’. Needless to say, it was an unexpected turn of events.

Honorable mention

I was playing Scrabble with my girlfriend when I put down AWORD. She protested, “That’s not a word!” I said, “It quite clearly is.”

Scrabble is all fun and games until someone loses an i.

Last week my dog ate the bag of scrabble tiles. Ever since then he has been leaving little messages around the house.

Old MacDonald had a very bad Scrabble hand…E-I-E-I-O.

I found myself stuck with the letters ‘D’ and ‘O’ at the end of a game of scrabble. I had to try and make do

Playing Scrabble is like talking to women…You spend the whole time looking at the rack trying to form words.

Why did the directors of the performance ask for a stage made out of Scrabble tiles? So they could have a play on words.

The Scrabble museum was robbed last night. The curators are at a loss for words.

Funny Scrabble Scenes from TV

Can AI generate a funny Scrabble story

Once upon a time in a cozy living room, a heated Scrabble match was underway between two lifelong friends, Emily and John. They were known for their fierce but friendly competition, and tonight was no exception. The board was nearly full, and it was Emily's turn. She was behind by a few points and needed a big play to catch up.

   As she surveyed her letters, she realized she could spell the word "APPLE." She grinned, knowing it could fit perfectly in the triple word score slot. She carefully placed the tiles on the board, A-P-P-L-E, and watched as her score soared.

  "Nice one!" John admitted, "But I’ve got a trick up my sleeve." With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a shiny red apple.

  "What's this?" Emily asked, confused.

  John laughed. "I brought a real apple for inspiration, just in case I got stuck. But now it looks like I might need a different kind of magic to win this game."

  They both laughed, and John took his turn, managing a respectable play, but nothing that could beat Emily's clever use of the triple word score. As the game continued, the apple became a symbol of their friendly rivalry, passed back and forth during their Scrabble matches as a token of luck and good humor.

  From then on, every time they played Scrabble, the apple made an appearance. It became a tradition, a funny reminder of that memorable game where a simple apple helped clinch a victory. And in the spirit of fun and friendship, they would always try to incorporate fruit-themed words into their games, leading to many more laughs and stories to tell.

Word Unscrambler

Word Unscrambler is an easy to use online website for unscrambling and finding the best word to play which is usually by value. You can generate words for Scrabble, Words with Friends, Wordle TextTwist, and many more games. Just enter your letters and press Unscramble It! and words will be displayed.
Word unscrambler lets you cheat in games like Scrabble and Words with Friends. A waterfall of words that seem never ending. Our word finder displays the score value so you can play the highest scoring word. If you have cookies on your settings will be stored so you don't have to reset them after each search.
Also, Word unscrambler is a great way to improve your vocabulary. Learn a new word each day. Click on a word and see the definition.
And yes we are one of the original SCRABBLE cheat, SCRABBLE word finder, SCRABBLE dictionary, on the web that every other site has copied. The other SCRABBLE websites will look just like ours ( because we did SCRABBLE cheat right). We were always a hobby site and will provide as much fun as we can with Word Unscrambler.

How To Use Word Unscrambler

1) Find Bingos with Word Unscrambler. Bingos use all 8 letters and gives you 50 additional points.
2) Use blanks/wildcards, just enter ? in the textbox ( RTEASG?????) , up to five, and Word unscrambler will turn them into letters and words that are playable.
3) Choose the right dictionary from the drop down. TWL is for the USA, SOWPODS is for Europe, ENABLE is for Words with Friends.
Just select the right the dictionary for you and Word Unscramble will use it in the word lookups.

Wordle (Wordle Solver)

Why do people love the new fantastically popular word game Wordle . You only get to play it once per day so why all the fuss. It is just fun to see how few tries it takes to solve the word. You get just enough clues to keep you guessing and it is a single player game you can play anywhere. Our Wordle solver is here and free to use.
I have build AI algorithm to try to find the best strategy at guessing the Wordle. Now I am progressing to using linguistics to find the Wordle in the fewest attempts. I am learning a lot more about languages and I can document my progress here.
This Wordle solver uses the same code as Word Unscrambler. It can display all the 5 letter words and I find the obvious word fits, wins. For example, if AMIDO and TIMED show I choose TIMED. Wordle uses common words I find. Four guesses seems to be the usual and the hunt is on to figure out how to constantly get the Wordle in 3 guesses. Here is Wordle fan page and the Wordle solver is here.

Why use Word Unscrambler?

The main reason is to cheat and find words you would not normally think of. How many times have you stared at your letters and can't think of a word? Not so fast! Just enter those letters and click Unscramble It! and you will be amazed at the words you can use. You will never be stuck again in Scrabble or Words with Friends. Even find words for Wordle Wordle

Advanced Options

First select the correct Dictionary. TWL is for USA, Canada, and Thailand for Scrabble. The rest of the world uses Sowpods for Scrabble.
Starts with means the word must start with the letter(s) you enter. Note you can use all these filters together or just one or none.
You can set minimum length and maximum length of the words you want returned.
Check any checkboxes you desire
Then choose how you want to sort the words. Right next to sorting is the font choices.
Return top dropdown sets how many words to return. Setting this to 500 will only return 500 words based on your sorting. If 800 words are found only 500 would be returned. So make sure this number is set to your need. Remember the fewer words you select to be returned the faster your results are generated.
Finally you can click a color to set a theme for the website.

Word Unscrambler Code

The Word unscrambler database is being boosted to support 8 wildcards so you can do Q???????? and get lots of nine letter words back with Q for example.
We created and shared the Scrabble word finder code. We had a link called Scrabble word finder download and requested users just give us a link and a thank you. Unfortunately none of the other Scrabble word finder sites chose to so we took the code down this last month of 10-25-2021. Feel free to email us at unscramble words for any questions.
We are working on malware protection programs now and if we can keep the price under $100 a month we will release it. When our Scrabble word finder system got hacked along with the database we started looking into how to detect viruses. We studied the malware attempts and we started a code project to block them. It is still in beta but if successful we will put up a link called Scrabble word finder malware blocker and do it at cost to cover the programming and updates of the malware list. Every week more malware is released that must be detected and blocked.

Best use of Word Unscrambler is to improve your vocabulary. The Scrabble word generator also looks up word definitions. Just click on words to see the definition. You will find many words you never knew existed and if you only learn one new word a day that is 365 new words. Take the letters reyuuoips and find the word OSPREY and click to see the definition: A large fish-eating bird of prey.
Each day you can use word unscrambler to increase your vocabulary. On a bus or taxi or plane or anywhere. This word finder memory exercise will make you talk and write better.
We have other initiatives we started for word unscrambler. A new Scrabble word finder engine with new features. Faster word unscrambling. And a new user tool for Scrabble word finder users that if we can make work will enhance your online experience for Scrabble and Words with Friends.

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Differences between the Dictionaries

For SCRABBLE users there is the TWL created for SCRABBLE®. It stands for Tournament Word List and there is 2006 and 2018 version. The TWL is for use in American, Canadian, Israeli and Thai club and tournament play. This is why you want to use the correct SCRABBLE word finder based on what country you live in. SCRABBLE users in other countries use the SOWPODS dictionary. It is important to choose the correct dictionary in your games. Our SCRABBLE word finder lets you choose which dictionary to use. Words with Friends has their own dictionary and a new dictionary for Words with Friends 2. The words you get back are based on the dictionary you choose. We find the correct words so you don’t have to go through all the words yourself. We aim to be the fastest word finder that will always let you play the highest point word. You can call this a Words with Friends cheat tool or a Words with Friends word finder.

Words that Start With & End With

words that start with Z    words that end with Z
words that start with Y    words that end with Y
words that start with X    words that end with X
words that start with W    words that end with W
words that start with V    words that end with V
words that start with U    words that end with U
words that start with T    words that end with T
words that start with S    words that end with S
words that start with R    words that end with R
words that start with Q    words that end with Q
words that start with P    words that end with P
words that start with O    words that end with O
words that start with N    words that end with N
words that start with M    words that end with M
words that start with L    words that end with L
words that start with K    words that end with K
words that start with J    words that end with J
words that start with I    words that end with I
words that start with H    words that end with H
words that start with G    words that end with G
words that start with F    words that end with F
words that start with E    words that end with E
words that start with D    words that end with D
words that start with C    words that end with C
words that start with B    words that end with B
words that start with A    words that end with A

Adjectives that Start With

Food adjectives    
Strong adjectives    
adjectives that start with Z    
adjectives that start with Y    
adjectives that start with X    
adjectives that start with W    
adjectives that start with V    
adjectives that start with U    
adjectives that start with T    
adjectives that start with S    
adjectives that start with R    
adjectives that start with Q    
adjectives that start with P    
adjectives that start with O    
adjectives that start with N    
adjectives that start with M    
adjectives that start with L    
adjectives that start with K    
adjectives that start with J    
adjectives that start with I    
adjectives that start with H    
adjectives that start with G    
adjectives that start with F    
adjectives that start with E    
adjectives that start with D    
adjectives that start with C    
adjectives that start with B    
adjectives that start with A    

WordUnscrambler.com © 2011-2021 All Rights Reserved!
**SCRABBLE® is a registered trademark of Hasbro and J.W. Spear & Sons Limited.
Word unscrambler .com is not associated or sponsored by SCRABBLE® in any way.
**Words With Friends® is a registered trademark of Zynga Inc. We are not associated or sponsored by Words With Friends® in any way. Version 1.0.0