

1. (Commerce) to send or give (a person or organization) a bill for more than the correct amount
2. (Commerce) (tr) to send or give out a bill for (a product or service) that is for too great an amount
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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"I think it's pretty rare that people consciously overbill," Adam Smith Esq.
The repair specialist is now in a position to overbill the auto insurer and have their attorney sue if the insurer denies payment.
The report identifies several categories of fraud commonly found in the aerospace and defense sector: Unauthorized expenditures, financial statement manipulation and intentional manipulation of cost estimates, misappropriation of assets, industrial espionage activities such as violation of export regulations, use of domestic products and payments to influence federal transactions, and helping a prime contractor overbill a customer through multi-tiered profit arrangements or inflated lease transactions.
"When companies violate their contracts with the City and either overbill or underpay, the Law Department will seek damages to make taxpayers whole," City Solicitor Andre M.
Welfare recipients are less morally suspect than defense contractors who grossly overbill the government.
* Washington assumption: Only Arkansas lawyers, especially from the Rose Law Firm, are used to loosey-goosey ethics, depend on personal connections, and overbill clients.
In the case of national health care reform, they are likely to be overpaid doctors, hospitals that overbill, and bloated insurance companies.
A meeting held at regional office of SNGPL in Peshawar at start of January this year saw the committee being apprised that SNGPL being licensee of Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) works under a policed environment and it isn't allowed to overcharge or overbill its customers.
This allegation is absolutely wrong and it was vehemently denied by the company since it was impossible to overbill customers at such a large scale of Rs40m,' reads a detailed reply sent to the ministry.