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n, pl -fish or -fishes
(Animals) the pike fish, esp when small
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How badly do you want your kids to come up close to jackfish, puffers, and exclaim that they "found Nemo!" during a family snorkeling day in El Nido 10 years from now?
Still with its iconic cogon roofs and water cottages, its resident jackfish and rich snorkeling sites, its beaches and its calendar-worthy lagoons, the newly renovated Miniloc Resort now boasts a brand-new swimming pool.
has completed facilities work at its Jackfish 1 heavy oil project in Alberta, Canada, and full-scale operations have been restored.
Devon Energy reported that additional facilities work at its Jackfish 1 heavy oil project in Alberta, Canada, is now complete and full-scale operations have been restored.
The company also operates the Jackfish SAG-D Canadian oil sands project, which possess a considerable reserve life and stable production profile.
It is home to gigantic turtles, schools of jackfish, eels, barracudas and many other species of fish and plants.
(191) Devon Canada Corporation, Application for Approval of the Devon Jackfish Project (November 2003).
Ras Mohamed has several diving sites, including Jackfish Alley, which is sure to provide an adventurous dive.
The streams and lakes abounded with fish, brook trout, grayling, whitefish, jackfish, and many others could be caught in large quantities.
Eventually, I caught it eating a Jackfish," he says, pointing to the picture on his laptop brimming with photos and videos, "I was thrilled."
Westcoast Pipeline reaches back into the deep Montney Basin with a 240 MMcf/d High Pine pipeline set for completion at the end of 2016, along with a second project in the same time frame, Jackfish Lake, a 140 MMcf/d line.