
(redirected from Codecs)
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Related to Codecs: Codec Pack, Video codecs


(Electronics) electronics a set of equipment that encodes an analogue speech or video signal into digital form for transmission purposes and at the receiving end decodes the digital signal into a form close to its original
[C20: from co(de) + dec(ode)]
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M2 PRESSWIRE-August 26, 2019-: Global Smartphone Audio Codecs Market Analysis, Trends, and Forecasts Report 2019-2025
SwitchBlade is a 1RU appliance for theWheatNet-IP audio network that includes audio codecs, SIP messaging and ACI control interface.
As part of this effort, Cadence also updated the basic operators incorporated in the underlying ITU Software Tools Library (STL2018), which serves as the foundation upon which 3GPP reference codecs are built.
However, Bluetooth audio designs are often limited by the bit depth and frequency rate of existing codecs, which are the communication and compression technology used to send audio over the air.
As with other IP Link codecs, the IP Link 200A integrates features that enhance stream reliability and network security, among other benefits.
Appear will demonstrate the spectrum of encoding codecs available within its X10/20 Platform for the first time at NAB 2018.
The Compression Ratio is calculated using the formula mentioned in the theory part and hence the compression ratio obtained from both the compressed and uncompressed audio for single codec and combining two codecs are tabulated.
Unlike traditional codecs like SBC, LDAC operates without any down-conversion of Hi-res audio.
The Radisys MediaEngine adjunct transcoding solution enables mobile operators to more flexibly and cost- effectively support HD audio and conversational video services using the latest advanced codecs and to prepare for the virtualization of their session border controllers (SBCs).
5KPlayer is a free multimedia player which truly and fully plays video files encoded into hundreds of codecs, especially the H.265/HEVC codec.
TechNavio's analysts forecast the Global Smartphone Audio Codecs market to grow at a CAGR of 40.40 percent over the period 2013-2018.