

1. noun, slang High-ranking officers or officials, especially in the military. The brass came in and assumed command of the whole operation. You can't talk back to that guy, he's part of the brass! We're waiting for the brass to get here and tell us what we're supposed to do next.
2. noun, informal Bold, brazen, or impudent self-confidence. I can't believe he had the brass to demand a raise, right there in the middle of the meeting! You've got some brass, talking to me like that! The brass of you—how dare you imply something so horrid!
3. noun, slang Money. Primarily heard in UK. He just flashed a little brass, and the security guard let us through. A: "How's the construction project going?" B: "It's getting expensive! I didn't know it took so much brass to get anything done in this town." I'm sure that guy would answer your questions for the right amount of brass.
4. noun, slang A prostitute. From Cockney rhyming slang, in which "brass" is a shortening of "brass flute," "brass door," "brass dart," or "brass nail," which rhyme with "prostitute," "whore," "tart," and "tail," respectively. Primarily heard in UK. It's no surprise to me that the only woman a scumbag like him can get is a brass. I bet you'll be able to find a brass in a seedy part of town like this. She was actually a brass for a number of years before she saved enough money to go to college in another state.


Irritated, disgruntled, or exasperated. Primarily heard in UK. John's just a bit brassed with us at the moment, so let's leave him alone. All right, kids, stop pestering your father—he's getting brassed. Of course I'm brassed—those jerks questioned my decision-making in front of the entire team!
See also: brass
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.


See also: brass
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
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References in periodicals archive ?
Final preparations are under way at Chester's Tip Top Productions for the stage adaptation of the 1990s British film 'Brassed Off'.
Kate Lock, director of Brassed On York Ltd, said: "The fact that the two stages of the Grand Depart go through the heartland of "brass band country" was what inspired us to expand our Brassed On York festival beyond York and into the more ambitious 'Tour de Brass' for 2014.
Grimethorpe, the National Champion Band who opened the concert, played the band featured in the famous 1996 British film success, Brassed Off.
HIT movie Brassed Off catapulted the award-winning Grimethorpe Colliery Band to worldwide recognition.
Brassed Off, YMCA, Cardiff BRASS band members join Cardiff actors on stage next week for a stage version of the hit play Brassed Off.
BIG BAND: The1980's heyday and , right, current members, from left, Joe Dwerryhouse, Graham Davies, Cynthia Dare, Peter Armstrong and Keith Harman BRASSED OFF: Graham Davies hopes for a turnaround in the band's fortunes
BRASSED OFF: Graham Davies needs more musicians for his band
THE makers of the film Brassed Off must be really brassed off with The Full Monty.
Furthermore, brass bands are not an isolated phenomenon of the collieries and industries of the north, although the recent movie Brassed Off might have given that impression.
The decimation of a proud industry and knock-on effect on local communities which were left forever changed after the near-year-long struggle was lost by the NUM, then one of the strongest unions in the country, was highlighted on the big screen in 1996 in the film Brassed Off, co-starring Teesside actor Stephen Tompkinson.
And now a group of Calderdale musicians will TAKE to the fore when a new stage version of Brassed Off hits the region.
MOVIE hit Brassed Off is to be the latest stage offering from Birmingham Rep.
HADE Edge Band struts its stuff on stage next week in the iconic show, Brassed Off.
If you're feeling brassed off and in the need of a musical uplift during the next few weeks, a festival in County Durham could be just what you're looking for.
CLASSIC Yorkshire film Brassed Off will be screened in the open air as part of a festival.