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(ɔːˈbriːʃə) ,




1. (Plants) any trailing purple-flowered plant of the genus Aubrieta, native to European mountains but widely planted in rock gardens: family Brassicaceae (crucifers)
2. (Botany) any trailing purple-flowered plant of the genus Aubrieta, native to European mountains but widely planted in rock gardens: family Brassicaceae (crucifers)
[C19: from New Latin, named after Claude Aubriet, 18th-century French painter of flowers and animals]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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PLANT OF THE WEEK AUBRETIA 'PURPLE CASCADE' One of the most dramatic displays of spring colour comes from the aubretia.
GET CREATIVE BRITAIN in Bloom competitor Barnoldswick in Lancashire re-purposed two-litre fizzy drinks bottles to create a spectacular wall of pollinator-friendly planting for bees, by turning the bottles on their side, cutting out an opening and filling with compost and plants such as nasturtiums, aubretia and lobelia.
Aubretia is a classic example of a creeping alpine plant that will bring masses of pretty purple flowers among the neutral grey of your rocks.
| Aubretia - looks pretty tumbling from walls or sprawling across rockeries with its vibrant blue and purple flowers.
For years, the top of my wall was glorious with this plant, beside purple aubretia.
Concluding the program will be Frank McLaughlin, Lawrence Teachers Union, on teachers' current issues - Liana Foxvog, International Labor Rights Forum, on “Taking On Walmart, From Bangladesh to Bentonville” - Aubretia Edick from OUR Walmart, Chicopee, MA.
Once it was just a couple of boulders and a bit of Aubretia, but now it's spreading like Russian ivy.
QI have a lovely double Aubretia and would like to plant more along my wall.
Sasha Abramsky profiled Aubretia Edick, a full-time Wal-Mart worker from upstate New York getting by on as little as $10 a week in groceries.
She added that gardeners could help by growing birdsfoot trefoil, honesty, aubretia, primroses and wallflowers in spring, and hemp agrimonies, cornflowers, Michaelmas daisies and Ice plants later in the year.