

opposed to homosexual people and behaviour
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References in periodicals archive ?
Towle, who reported on his blog last summer that he had seen and spoken to Bass and Lehmkuhl together in Provincetown, Mass., says he is not in favor of aggressively outing celebrities for sport but adds, "I'm all for outing legislators and figures in government who are promoting antigay agendas and living their lives in a way that is extremely hypocritical." He believes it's up to the blogs to get the ball rolling.
Steve Gunderson (Wis.) writes, "My friends and fellow gay men were dying, and here I was, a leader of the party of Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond, doing too little to combat their antigay rhetoric."
"The first thing to celebrate is that under Democratic control we will not have to face defensive battles against antigay legislation or future marriage amendments," says Democratic Wisconsin representative Tammy Baldwin, Congress's only out lesbian.
Iraqi death squads targeting suspected homosexuals, raids and roundups in Egypt, executions in Iran, political show trials in Zimbabwe, antigay riots in Poland and Russia, the murder and mutilation of a gay activist in Jamaica.
It's shaping up to be a banner year for gay, lesbian, and gay-friendly straight candidates, many of whom could tip the balance of power and prevent proposed antigay legislation from passing in their states.
* As early as this fall the state of Oklahoma will have to defend its antigay adoption law in the 10th U.S.
FOE FOCUS ON THE FAMILY, responding to the gay rights campaign, which featured a mooing puppy, by starting an antigay Web site featuring a basset hound named Sherman who barks, as "biology intended." "Dogs aren't born mooing, and people aren't born gay," FOTF sniffed.
When notoriously antigay Kansas preacher Fred Phelps's clan picketed Matthew Shepard's funeral, we were angry and deeply offended.
think there's no other way of describing a man who makes antigay discrimination legal and says, on the same day, "My administration has set diversity as a priority." [See page 20.]
An owner of a gym popular with gays was forced to sell his share of the business in order to placate activists threatening a boycott over his financial support of antigay Republican U.S.
Some political pundits and antigay leaders accused anonymous gay rights activists of showing the very kind of intolerance they decry in others after they defaced a billboard for an "ex-gay" conference in St.