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the knowledge or wisdom of the woods; woodcraft skills
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Ron Hubbard, who himself was an Eagle Scout, summed it up with what he wrote, "Of all the information which became important to me, such as photography, woodlore, signaling, and many other subjects, the basics of it was laid in Scouting."
So he divided his father into the woodlore tutor whom he loved and respected, and the browbeaten husband, a role Hemingway vigorously rejected by seeking to dominate each of his four wives.
Time is on your side at Andar at Woodlore Estates in Crystal Lake, with plenty of fun and exciting ways to spend it.
My company, Woodlore, is now the oldest in the world doing bushcraft - it will have been going 35 years next year.
A survivalist who runs Woodlore School of Wilderness Bushcraft, he is an author, photographer and the star of TV series including Tracks, World of Survival, Trips Money Can't Buy with Ewan McGregor and The Real Heroes of Telemark.
But despite his tame TV image, Ray, who set up bushcraft school Woodlore in 1983, has a wilder side, particularly when talking about other survival shows and presenters.
Mears founded the Woodlore School of Wilderness Bushcraft in 1983.
To do this Ray created his own company, Woodlore, the School of Wilderness Bushcraft, based in Sussex which is now in its 30th year.
The publicity for the show talks about unusual props, and finally he admits he's hoping to bring a birch bark canoe, built this summer by students at his Woodlore School of wilderness bushcraft.
He wanted to join the Royal Marines but his eyesight was not good enough so he founded his Woodlore School of Bushcraft in 1983 and earned a reputation as an authority on wilderness survival before the 1994 TV series Tracks turned him into a household name.
It's now 30 years since Ray founded Woodlore, The School of Wilderness Bushcraft, where he teaches his unique bushcraft skills.