

a box for firewood
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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"A father one day said to his son, Tom, who, he knew, had refused to fill his mother's woodbox that morning: 'Tom, I'm sure you'll be glad to go and bring in some wood for your mother.' And without a word Tom went.
"I'll tell all my Toms I KNOW they'll be glad to fill that woodbox! I'll give them work to do, and I'll make them so full of the very joy of doing it that they won't have TIME to look at their neighbors' woodboxes!" And he picked up his sermon notes, tore straight through the sheets, and cast them from him, so that on one side of his chair lay "But woe unto you," and on the other, "scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!" while across the smooth white paper before him his pencil fairly flew--after first drawing one black line through Matthew twenty-third; 13--14 and 23."
He had come into the kitchen, in the twilight of a cold, gray December evening, and had sat down in the woodbox corner to take off his heavy boots, unconscious of the fact that Anne and a bevy of her schoolmates were having a practice of "The Fairy Queen" in the sitting room.
"Why, Wednesday night I dreamt that you was sitting over there by the bed, and Sid was sitting by the woodbox, and Mary next to him."
Music lineup: The Infamous Stringdusters, Way Down Wanderers, Old Salt Union, Chicago Farmer, Violet and the Undercurrents, The Woodbox Gang, Joshua Powell, Coral creek, Micahlan Boney, Fox Crossing Stringband, The Henhouse Prowlers, Taylor Steele and the Love Preachers, and more.
Meanwhile Findus was hidden nearby in a woodbox, fearful of a new furry animal who seemed threatening to him!
is too bashful to go direct out so she'll go to the woodpile, pick up the wood and go back to the house to watch her chance." This means the woodbox is filled by noon!
The artist points out some of the details: the papa mouse trundling a wheelbarrow full of popcorn toward his family and home in the woodbox (in the lower left corner); the rabbit sitting contentedly in the lap of a little boy (in the lower right corner); and a couple sitting on a wagon in the doorway (middle, far right).
No drums, but the Woodbox Gang has a big arsenal of acoustic instruments it plans to bring to Sam Bond's Garage tonight to reproduce what the group's bio describes as a "caustic acoustic cacophony."
The wood in the woodbox is meager; thin-split strips and small branches.
I see Signe lying on the bench there in the room and she is looking at all the usual things, the old table, the stove, the woodbox, the old panels on the wall, the big window facing onto the fjord, she looks at it all without seeing it and everything is as it was before, nothing has changed, but still, everything is different, she thinks, because since he disappeared and stayed gone nothing is the same any more, she is just here without being here, days come, days go, nights come, nights go, and she goes along with it, moving slowly, without letting anything leave much of a trace or make much of a difference, and does she know what day it is today?
Where your four step approach fills the woodbox &