

npl -ries
1. (Clothing & Fashion) a wig
2. (Clothing & Fashion) wigs collectively
3. informal unnecessary official procedure; red tape
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
If you are looking for a book that contains other wig topics, you can start with Martha Ruskai and Lowery's 2010 Wig Making and Styling: A Complete Guide for Theatre & Film, which provides an extensive overview of wiggery.
- A separate backstage wiggery will be installed this year to house 200 wigs, 100 hairpieces, 40 poly heads, 100 wig caps that will all need to be prepped in advance of the show.
According to the China Daily, the singer-cum-actress reportedly owns so many fake hairpieces that she has had to build a 'wiggery' in her home, which she shares with her husband Marc Anthony and their 13-month-old twins Max and Emme.
Just before he is murdered by Alexander, Cleitus sarcastically remarks that now that they have reached India, the Macedonians "have been transformed into such a pretty army." This image of Alexander and some of his officers led a Village Voice critic to call the film "a festival of risible wiggery." (30) Although fair from an aesthetic perspective, this comment overlooks the performative nature of gender suggested by Alexander's portrayal in drag.
One program that is taking off is their wiggery (see March 2005 Record).
have would Minaj wiggery: the backstage 40 poly e , r n w lor ain.