

pl n
illness induced by excessive use of alcohol or drugs
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LIAM Fox must have been visiting his home patch of East Kilbride and been driving on the Whirlies, the town's notorious roundabout system, for too long.
Dr Brisson suspected that a protein family he has studied for years, called the "Whirlies" might be important to protect against mutations in plant cells - specifically in the chloroplast - the engine of photosynthesis that allows plants to transform carbon dioxide into sugar and expel the oxygen we breathe.
Working with his students and Biochemistry Professor Franz Lang, they showed that Whirlies are key to preventing major rearrangements of genes that could result in the creation of multiple gene copies.
He goes and buys twenty and thirty at a time so I've been firing him up there 'cos he says there's six in East Kilbride at the corner of the Whirlies (a roundabout) and they're doing one-three-two (pounds 132,000).
"I remember Curly Whirlies when they were three foot long and you had to hold them in both hands.
Pile on the agony with a handful of missed chances, a Uri Geller mind-bending performance from referee Paul Danson and you could fully understand the feelings of Curlie and his whirlies.
If D Trump wants to save Scotland's tourism, there are worse eyesores to get stuck into than the whirlies opposite his wretched golf course.
Minutes from the Whirlies roundabout and the A725 dual carriageway that provides a direct link to the M74, the development is also close to East Kilbride railway station.
And remember, keep away from the Craig Burley tie knots that are the same size as the Whirlies roundabout in East Kilbride.
A long-established company, Aquavita offers some of Glasgow and Lanarkshire's most exclusive ranges and have just opened a new showroom next to Whirlies roundabout in East Kilbride.