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 (wĕn, hwĕn)
At what time: When will we leave?
1. At the time that: in the spring, when the snow melts.
2. As soon as: I'll call you when I get there.
3. Whenever: When the wind blows, all the doors rattle.
4. During the time at which; while: When I was young, I was sick all the time.
5. Whereas; although: She stopped short when she ought to have continued.
6. Considering that; if: How can he get good grades when he won't study?
1. What or which time: Since when has this been going on?
2. At or during the time that: Where were you on the night when the murder took place?
The time or date: Have they decided the where and when?

[Middle English, from Old English hwenne; see kwo- in Indo-European roots.]
Usage Note: In informal style when is often used after forms of be in definitions: A dilemma is when you don't know which way to turn. Although useful, this construction is widely regarded as incorrect or unsuitable for formal discourse. In formal style such definitions should be recast to eliminate is when, either by supplying a generic term that may be modified by a restrictive adjective clause (A dilemma is a situation in which you don't know which way to turn) or by making the when-clause adverbial (You are in a dilemma when you don't know which way to turn). When is acceptable, however, when a noun phrase that denotes a point in time is being defined or described: The best time to drink this tea is when you are sleepy.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


a. at what time? over what period?: when is he due?.
b. (used in indirect questions): ask him when he's due.
2. say when to state when an action is to be stopped or begun, as when someone is pouring a drink
3. (subordinating) at a time at which; at the time at which; just as; after: I found it easily when I started to look seriously.
4. although: he drives when he might walk.
5. considering the fact that: how did you pass the exam when you'd not worked for it?.
6. at which (time); over which (period): an age when men were men.
(usually plural) a question as to the time of some occurrence
[Old English hwanne, hwænne; related to Old High German hwanne, hwenne, Latin cum]
Usage: When should not be used loosely as a substitute for in which after a noun which does not refer to a period of time: paralysis is a condition in which (not when) parts of the body cannot be moved
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ʰwɛn, wɛn; unstressed ʰwən, wən)

1. at what time or period? how long ago? how soon?: When are they to arrive? When did the Roman Empire exist?
2. under what circumstances? upon what occasion?: When is a letter of condolence in order? When did you ever see such a crowd?
3. at what time: to know when to be silent.
4. at the time or in the event that: when we were young; when the noise stops.
5. at any time; whenever: The dogs always bark when anyone approaches the house.
6. upon or after which; and then: We had just fallen asleep when the bell rang.
7. while on the contrary; whereas: Why are you here when you should be in school?
8. what time: Till when is the store open?
9. which time: They left on Monday, since when we have heard nothing.
10. the time of anything: the when and the where of an act.
[before 1000; Middle English when(ne), Old English hwenne, c. Old Frisian hwenne, Old High German hwanne (compare Old Saxon, Gothic hwan when, how); akin to who, what]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. used in questions

You use when to ask about the time that something happened or will happen.

When did you arrive?
'They're getting married.' – 'When?' – 'Next month.'
2. used in time clauses

You use when in time clauses to say that something happened, happens, or will happen at a particular time.

He left school when he was sixteen.
When I have free time, I always spend it fishing.

If you are talking about the future, use the present simple in the time clause, not a future form. For example, say 'Stop when you feel tired'. Don't say 'Stop when you will feel tired'.

When you get to the hotel, go to reception and give your name.
I'll come when I finish work.
3. 'when', 'as', and 'while'

If you want to say what was happening at the time that an event occurred, you can begin by saying what was happening, then add a clause beginning with when.

I was just going out when there was a knock at the door.
We were at our desks working when we heard the explosion.

You can also use as or while to say what was happening when an event occurred. When you use one of these words, you describe the event in the main clause and say what was happening in the clause beginning with as or while.

As I was out walking one day, I saw a very unusual bird.
While I was standing at the bus stop, Raul came by.

If you want to say that two events are continuing to happen at the same time, you usually use while.

What were you thinking about while he was talking to you?
I don't like music playing while I am working.
4. used with 'why'

When has another use which is not related to time. You can add a clause beginning with when to a question which begins with why, as a way of expressing surprise or disagreement. The when-clause shows the reason for your surprise or disagreement.

Why should I help him when he refused to help me?
Why worry her when there's nothing she can do about it?
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
امتىبالرَّغْم من، في الوَقْت الذيعَنْدَماعِندَمالما
amikoramikor pedigmikormikor?
hvenæròegaròrátt fyrir aî; meî tilliti til
...인 때언제
iš kurjeigu
เมื่อใด เวลาใดเมื่อหรือขณะที่
ne zamanne zaman kiolduğu hâlde-diğinde-ince
khi nàokhi


1. (in direct and indirect questions, reported speech)
When in direct and indirect questions as well as after expressions of (un)certainty and doubt (e.g. no sé) translates as cuándo (with an accent) and is used with the indicative:
when did it happen?¿cuándo ocurrió?
he asked me when I had seen itme preguntó cuándo lo había visto
do you know when he died?¿sabes cuándo murió?
I know when it happenedyo sé cuándo ocurrió
he told me when the wedding would beme dijo cuándo sería la boda
he told me when to come inme indicó cuándo entrar
say when! (when serving food, drink) → ¡dime cuánto!
since when since when do you like or have you liked Indian food?¿desde cuándo te gusta la comida india?
till when?¿hasta cuándo?
2. (in exclamations) → cuándo
when will we learn to keep our mouths shut!¡cuándo aprenderemos a callar la boca!
3. (in other statements)
3.1. (= the time, day, moment, etc) → cuando
that was when the trouble startedentonces fue cuando empezaron los problemas
Monday? that's when Ted gets back¿el lunes? ese día es cuando vuelve Ted
that's when the programme startsa esa hora es cuando empieza el programa
1958: that's when I was born1958: (en) ese año nací yo
she told me about when she was in Londonme contó lo que le pasó cuando estuvo en Londres
3.2. (relative use)
If when follows a noun (e.g. day, time) and defines the noun, translate using (en) que not cuando:
(en) que
during the time when she lived abroaddurante el tiempo (en) que vivió en el extranjero
the year when you were bornel año (en) que naciste
she can't remember a time when she wasn't happyno recuerda una época (en) que no fuese feliz
there are times when I wish I'd never met himhay momentos en los que desearía no haberlo conocido nunca
If the when clause following a noun provides additional information which does not define or restrict the noun - in English as in Spanish commas are obligatory here - translate using cuando:
some days, when we're very busy, we don't finish work till very latealgunos días, cuando tenemos mucho trabajo, no acabamos hasta muy tarde
1. (= at, during or after the time that)
As a conjunction, when can be translated by cuando (without an accent) followed by either the indicative or the subjunctive. Use the indicative when talking about the past or making general statements about the present. Use the subjunctive when the action is or was in the future:
when I came incuando entré
when I was youngcuando era joven
he had just sat down when the phone rangacababa de sentarse cuando sonó el teléfono
everything looks nicer when the sun is shiningtodo está más bonito cuando brilla el sol
he arrived at 8 o'clock, when traffic is at its peakllegó a las ocho en punto, en lo peor del tráfico
call me when you get therellámame cuando llegues
when the bridge is builtcuando se construya el puente
you can go when we have finishedpuedes irte cuando hayamos terminado
he said he'd tell me when I was olderdijo que me lo diría cuando fuera mayor
If when + VERB can be substituted by on + -ING in English and describes an action that takes place at the same time as another one or follows it very closely, you can use al + INFINITIVE:
be careful when crossing or when you cross the roadten cuidado al cruzar la calle
when he went out he saw it was rainingal salir vio que estaba lloviendo
when a student at Oxford, shecuando era estudiante or estudiaba en Oxford ...
my father, when young, had a fine tenor voicemi padre, de joven or cuando era joven, tenía una buena voz de tenor
when just three years old, he wascuando tenía sólo tres años, era ...
the floor is slippery when wetel suelo resbala cuando está mojado
hardly had the film begun when there was a power cutapenas había empezado la película cuando se fue la corriente
even whenaun cuando
2. (= if) → si, cuando
this sounds expensive when compared with other carséste parece caro si or cuando se compara con otros coches
how can I relax when I've got loads of things to do?¿cómo puedo relajarme si or cuando tengo montones de cosas que hacer?
I wouldn't walk when I could get the busno iría a pie si pudiese tomar el autobús
3. (= whereas) → cuando
he thought he was recovering, when in factpensaba que se estaba recuperando, cuando de hecho ...
she made us study when all we wanted to do was playnos hacía estudiar cuando lo único que queríamos hacer era jugar
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


When did he go? → Quand est-il parti?
(= at, during, after the time that) → quand, lorsque
She was reading when I came in → Elle lisait quand je suis entré., Elle lisait lorsque je suis entré.
a time when → une époque
on the day when I met him → le jour où je l'ai rencontré
(= whereas) → alors que
I thought I was wrong when in fact I was right → J'ai cru que j'avais tort alors qu'en fait j'avais raison.
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(= at what time)wann; since when have you been here?seit wann sind Sie hier?; … since when he has been here… und seitdem ist er hier; say when! (inf)sag or schrei (inf)halt!
(rel) on the day whenan dem Tag, an dem or als or da (liter)or wo (inf); at the time whenzu der Zeit, zu der or als or da (liter)or wo (inf); he wrote last week, up till when I had heard nothing from himer schrieb letzte Woche und bis dahin hatte ich nichts von ihm gehört; in 1960, up till when he …im Jahre 1960, bis zu welchem Zeitpunkt er …; during the time when he was in Germanywährend der Zeit, als or wo or die (inf)er in Deutschland war
wenn; (with past reference) → als; you can go when I have finisheddu kannst gehen, sobald or wenn ich fertig bin; he did it when younger tat es in seiner Jugend
(+gerund) → beim; (= at or during which time)wobei; when operating the machinebeim Benutzen or bei Benutzung der Maschine; be careful when crossing the roadseien Sie beim Überqueren der Straße vorsichtig, seien Sie vorsichtig, wenn Sie über die Straße gehen; the PM is coming here in May, when he will …der Premier kommt im Mai hierher und wird dann
(= although, whereas)wo … doch; why do you do it that way when it would be much easier like this?warum machst du es denn auf die Art, wo es doch so viel einfacher wäre?
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


(wen) adverb
at what time(?). When did you arrive?; When will you see her again?; I asked him when the incident had occurred; Tell me when to jump.
(wən, wen) conjunction
1. (at or during) the time at which. It happened when I was abroad; When you see her, give her this message; When I've finished, I'll telephone you.
2. in spite of the fact that; considering that. Why do you walk when you have a car?
whence (wens) adverb
from what place or circumstance (?); from where (?).
whenˈever adverb, conjunction
1. at any time that. Come and see me whenever you want to.
2. at every time that. I go to the theatre whenever I get the chance.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


عَنْدَما, مَتَى kdy, když hvornår, når wann, wenn όταν, πότε cuando, cuándo kun, milloin quand kada quando ・・・する時は, いつ ...인 때, 언제 wanneer når kiedy quando когда, när เมื่อใด เวลาใด, เมื่อหรือขณะที่ ne zaman, ne zaman ki khi, khi nào 什么时候, 在...的时候
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


pron. cuándo;
Since ___ ?¿Desde ___?;
conj. cuando; si.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
But what did ye do when your aunt died, an' why didna ye come to live in this country, bein' as Mrs.
It puts me i' mind o' the swallows as was under the thack last 'ear when they fust begun to sing low an' soft-like i' th' mornin'.
It had looked so bare and so bright and formal on that night when they came into it out of the darkness; it had been filled, too, with little red, excited faces, always moving, and people so brightly dressed and so animated that they did not seem in the least like real people, nor did you feel that you could talk to them.
"It's associated in my mind with a horrid old aunt of ours (poor thing, she suffered dreadfully, so it isn't fair to call her horrid) who used to give it to us when we were small, and we never had the courage to tell her we didn't like it.
Her hand is large--it's these modern sports that spread the joints--but the skin is white.--And when's the wedding to be?" she broke off, fixing her eyes on Archer's face.
These successive statements were received with the proper expressions of amusement, incredulity and gratitude; and the visit was breaking up in a vein of mild pleasantry when the door opened to admit the Countess Olenska, who entered in bonnet and mantle followed by the unexpected figure of Julius Beaufort.
When the prince and the princess had gone, Levin went up to his betrothed and took her hand.
"Even when...." She stopped and went on again, looking at him resolutely with her truthful eyes, "Even when I thrust from me my happiness.
It was an amorous and not unpleasant little hole when the curtains were drawn, and the lights turned on, and the gas-stove unlit.
It represented a young lady called Jacky, and had been taken at the time when young ladies called Jacky were often photographed with their mouths open.
I remember a hearty welcome; a prodigious supper, which would have fed a whole village in the East; a delightfully clean bedroom, with nothing in it to regret but that detestable product of the folly of our fore-fathers--a feather-bed; a restless night, with much kindling of matches, and many lightings of one little candle; and an immense sensation of relief when the sun rose, and there was a prospect of getting up.
When you decamped in that rascally way without leaving your address, I felt so angry that I resolved to find you out and punish you.