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(Animals) a waxmoth larva
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
So, are you ready for waxworm tacos or BBQ-dipped insects?
Not to be outdone by the New Plastics Economy, researcher Federica Bertocchini, in her lab at Spain's IBBTEC institute, is working with a "waxworm paste" that eats plastic waste.
Put a waxworm or a few maggots (spikes) on the hook and you are ready to fish.
The researchers gave birds a tube partly filled with water and a waxworm bobbing on the water's surface.
Tests show that the toxin kills tobacco hornworm and waxworm larvae, but it isn't Pf-5's only defense against insects.
Another good bait to try is a waxworm. For me, this cream white grub, about twice the size of a mousy grub or spike, becomes magnetic magic during most outings.
Graduate students pass out crispy insect treats like waxworm puffs and deep-fried crickets.
You've just eaten a waxworm, a baby insect that one day would have become a moth--if you hadn't gotten your fork into it.
Using words such as 'waxworm' and 'cubages', former world Scrabble champion Mark Nyman, aged 35, from Leeds, won the British national award.
I use Northland Tackle Mayfly Larvae but also tip with a single waxworm or live wiggler, sometimes on a Haley Jig with a chain dropper."
livebait such as a crappie minnow, waxworm, small leech, or chunk of 'crawler