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References in classic literature ?
Tiberius in dissimulation; as Tacitus saith of him, Jam Tiberium vires et corpus, non dissimulatio, deserebant.
Tom had been used to be so entirely satisfied with himself, in spite of his breaking down in a demonstration, and construing nunc illas promite vires as "now promise those men"; but now he suddenly felt at a disadvantage, because he knew less than some one else knew.
"The power to prorogue is a prerogative power and the Prime Minister had the vires (powers) to advise the sovereign as to its exercise."
During a brief hearing, Advocate A K Dogar argued on behalf of the petitioner and asked the court to declare rule 12 (10) of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business of Senate, 2012 as ultra vires to the Constitution.
The appeal court held that imposition of penalties by the LASTMA ultra vires its power, especially where no platform was established to observe the principles of natural justice.
'Any grant of the abovementioned bonuses without the approval of the President will be considered as an ultra vires act and thus, constitutes an illegal disbursement of public funds.
'Whether upon a proper interpretation of the instrument establishing the Economic and EFCC and particularly Section 34(1) of the EFCC Act and Article 14 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples Right (Ratification and Enforcement) Act Cap A9 Volume 1 LFN, 1990, the Defendant did not act ultra vires its statutory powers when it ordered the freezing of the corporate and personal accounts of the Plaintiffs without adhering to the legal, regular and proper procedure for so acting.
After hearing the arguments, the court announced the verdict and allowed the petition by declaring the notification of Punjab government ultra vires and unconstitutional.
Earlier this month, the Supreme Court had quashed the RBI's February 12 circular on stressed loan recognition and resolution of large borrowers over Rs 2,000 crore, terming it as "ultra vires".
Canadian national Richard Morin does not meet the fit and proper criteria of the SECP, and his appointment as MD of country's premier bourse poses serious conflict of interest and ultra vires of Articles of Association of PSX.
There is also no force in the argument that since SRO 116 has been declared ultra vires, therefore respondents are no more vested with jurisdiction under the Ordinance of 2001.'
The Secretary Law and Justice informed the committee that the ministry had approach higher court of law on the judgment of Lahore High Court declaring sections 10, 11, 12 and 15 of Federal Ombudsman Institution Reforms Act 2013 as ultra vires of the constitution.