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Related to verism: verismo


Realism in art and literature.

[Italian verismo, from vero, true, from Latin vērus; see wērə-o- in Indo-European roots.]

ver′ist n.
ve·ris′tic (və-rĭs′tĭk) adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Art Terms) extreme naturalism in art or literature
2. (Literary & Literary Critical Terms) extreme naturalism in art or literature
[C19: from Italian verismo, from vero true, from Latin vērus]
ˈverist n, adj
veˈristic adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈvɪər ɪz əm, ˈvɛr-)

strict representation of truth and reality in art and literature, including the homely and vulgar.
[1890–95; < Latin vēr(us) true + -ism; compare verismo]
ver′ist, n., adj.
ve•ris′tic, adj.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


a naturalistic approach, especially in portraiture, in which every wrinkle and flaw of the subject is faithfully reproduced; extreme realism. Cf. Naturalism, Realism.Verist, n. — Veristic, adj.
See also: Art
the artistic use of commonplace, everyday, and contemporary material in opera, especially some 20th-century Italian and French works, as Louise. — verist, n., adj. — veristic, adj.
See also: Music
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The recently premiered opera by Amilcare Ponchielli, La Gioconda (in four acts and in Italian), is a lesser-known connection between Verdi-style romantism and the start of verism in the late 19th century.
Earlier shows debatably posited the camera's inbuilt verism as a prompt to painters to abandon figuration, while more recent exhibitions have included scattered works in digital media.
When David is depicted outside of the traditional Hollywood epic or peplum genre, there is more room for creative imaginings of the character since there is either more time to develop him or there are different expectations of fidelity to the text than historical verism. The Story of David (1976) was a miniseries shown over two nights, one for each book of Samuel and thus the complexity of the characterization could be captured.
A verismo opera is based on "verism" which means the set and characters are based on real life.
Talking about the symbolic and conventionalized approach to time and space in Tsar Lenine, Francois Porche maintained: "Certainly, a synthesis of this nature can only be a transposition of reality; realism, in the narrow sense of the word, 'verism,' is absolutely contrary to our conception." (102) In Porche's view, Dullin's mise en scene for Tsar Lenine has in the first place "this superior virtue that, destined for the theater, it is purely theatrical." (103) Porche's characterization of his and Dullin's approach to the production of Tsar Lenine can be equally applied to Dullin's production of La paix.
These sculptures come the closest to a form of Verism in her work.
Place and verism, after all, must always trump ideology.
The effect of such intimate fictive immediacies, of the kind we encounter in Joseph Conrad, Ford Madox Ford, or William Faulkner, is foreign to the whole conception of Swift's work, which has no more interest in, or awareness of, such sophisticated forms of fictional illusion than it has with the simpler forms of verism we have seen Swift seeking to guard against, and which the Letter to Sympson was in fact an effort to counteract.
Warren Buckland and Thomas Elsaesser, no doubt with classic theories of cinema and the polemical debates among German literary intellectuals around cinema's emergence as a medium in mind, elegantly theorize the allures and threats of motion pictures' verism: "The combination of image, movement, and sound is obviously something quite mysterious in its effects on human beings, almost magical, often described as a kind of doubling of life itself, a form of immortality, a permanent and permanently fascinating mirror.
Figures make their exits and their entrances; one can almost sense the lifting of a curtain to reveal a tableau that is composed, fixed, yet real.' Spear likewise makes reference to 'the photographic and cinematographic qualities of Caravaggio's austere verism, framing and lighting.' It is surely theatricality presented as realism which accounts at least in part for Caravaggio's widespread allure: his imagery manages to combine the mundane with the melodramatic.
Fibich presented a relevant alternative to Romance opera as well (Charles Gounod, Georges Bizet, Charles Camille Saint-Saens, Jules Massenet and others), to Verism and to Russian opera.