

(Architecture) obsolete arched
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She also reprised the show at the 'Secret Cellar' at London's Vaulty Towers.
Dubbed Vaulty Towers, the former HQ of the Midland Bank boasts views of St Paul's from its rooftop pool bar, open to [euro]3,500-a-year members.
Arise forth from the couch of lasting night, Thou hate and terror to prosperity, And I will kiss thy detestable bones, And put my eyeballs in thy vaulty brows, And ring these fingers with thy household worms, And stop this gap of breath with fulsome dust, And be a carrion monster like thyself.
The evening sky is not drawn through visual perceptions but through abstract qualities that distance the scene and foreground the emotion of the speaker: "Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, | vaulty, voluminous, ...
As the transi tomb's representation de la mort she conceives a ghastly Dance of Death, (39) a monstrous marriage in which she embraces a personified "amiable, lovely Death!" with its "odiferous stench" and "sound rottenness"--an oxymoronic trope that exposes not only the extent of her own desperation but the contradiction that lies at the centre of the mystery of human existence: she will "kiss thy detestable bones, / And put my eyeballs in thy vaulty brows, / And ring these fingers with thy household worms" (3.4.29-31).
ROLL WITH IT: Rolls Royce Phantom Coupe; VAULTY TOWERS: A former bank, the Merchant is one of Belfast's most exclusive hotels; BUDGET: Cathy Martin says it caters for everyone; RELAX: Culloden Hotel and Spa in Cultra, Co Down; ADVENTURE: Todd's Leap has off-road activities; CHIC: Bar in Malmaison oozes dark sophistication
And when the day finally came in August for her to walk down the aisle at Vaulty Manor in Chelmsford, on the arm of her father, Peter, Emma looked radiant.