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Related to uredia: uredinia, telia


 (yo͝or′ĭ-dĭn′ē-əm) also u·re·di·um (yo͝o-rē′dē-əm)
n. pl. u·re·din·i·a (-dĭn′ē-ə) also u·re·di·a (-dē-ə)
A reddish pustulelike structure that is formed in the tissue of a plant infected by a rust fungus and produces urediniospores.

[New Latin ūrēdinium, from Latin ūrēdō, ūrēdin-, blight, from ūrere, to burn.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˌyʊər ɪˈdɪn i əm)

n., pl. -din•i•a (-ˈdɪn i ə)
the fruiting body of the rust fungi that bears urediospores.
[1905–10; < New Latin, = Latin ūrēdin-, s. of ūrēdō blight (see uredo)]
u`re•din′i•al, adj.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Disease was recorded using 0-4 infection scale [14]: (0) no uredia or other macroscopic sign of infection, (;) no uredia, but hypersensitive necrotic or chlorotic flecks present, (1) small uredia surrounded by necrosis, (2) small to medium uredia often surrounded by chlorosis; green islands may be surrounded by chlorotic or necrotic border, (x) random distribution of variable-sized uredia on single leaf, (3) medium sized uredia that may be associated with chlorosis, and (4) large uredia without chlorosis.
Uredia stripes formed on the leaves at mature stage of the planted give yellow and dusty appearance.
The infection type was recorded as 6 classes (0 to 4) according to the methods also described by Luo et al (2005), respectively as follows: 0, no visible symptoms; 0;, few necrotic flecks; 1, small sporulating uredia surrounded by necrotic tissue; 2, small to medium uredia with chlorosis and necrosis; 3, moderately sized sporulating uredia surrounded only by chlorotic tissue; and 4, abundantly sporulating uredia without chlorosis.
([paragraph]) Rust reaction; 1 = immune, no pustules; 2 = small pustules; 3 = intermediate pustules uredia less than 0.3 mm diameter, 4 = uredia 0.3 to 0.5 mm diameter, 5 = uredia 0.5 of 0.8 mm, and 6 = uredia larger than 0.8 mm diameter (Stavely et al., 1983).
S###Susceptible###Large uredia are present, generally with little or no chlorosis or necrosis.
IT designations of plants refer to: 4 = extremely susceptible with large uredia; 33- = moderately susceptible with combination of medium size (3) and small size (3-) uredia; 0; = resistant with necrotic flecks; and 0;N = resistant with necrotic lesions.
Plants of the HA-R6, HA-R7, and HA-R8 germplasm populations had an immune reaction (no uredia) to race 777.
The spreader rows were removed when the first uredia were observed on the known susceptible cultivars in the trial (Table 2).