

1. (Colours) not white; no longer white
2. (Anthropology & Ethnology) not white-skinned; not characteristic of being White
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References in periodicals archive ?
3) features tripartite posters with titles such as "The Changing Face of Choice: Religious Choice, Racial Choice, Reproductive Choice," "Can You Connect the Dots: Extermination, Lynching, Abortion," "Ungentile, Unwhite, Unborn," "The Final Solution, Separate but Equal, Pro-Choice," and "S.S., K.K.K., Planned Parenthood." (71) Each poster contains three photos: a victim of the Nazi holocaust, a victim of anti-Black lynchings in the United States, and an aborted fetus.
Vulnerable people the old, disabled, poor, female, newborn and gay along with the unwhite, un-Anglo and uninsured will be eliminated before you can say "Third Reich."
In the 1960's the news envelope expanded to include the existence of what Scammon and Wattenberg called the unpowerful and unwhite. In the 1970's, thanks mainly to Watergate but with no small debt to David Wise's pioneering reporting on the CIA, news became not only what government said but how it really worked.