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tr.v. un·spoke (-spōk′), un·spo·ken (-spō′kən), un·speak·ing, un·speaks
To retract (something spoken); unsay.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


vb, -speaks, -speaking, -spoke or -spoken
an obsolete word for unsay
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


Past participle: unspoken
Gerund: unspeaking

I unspeak
you unspeak
he/she/it unspeaks
we unspeak
you unspeak
they unspeak
I unspoke
you unspoke
he/she/it unspoke
we unspoke
you unspoke
they unspoke
Present Continuous
I am unspeaking
you are unspeaking
he/she/it is unspeaking
we are unspeaking
you are unspeaking
they are unspeaking
Present Perfect
I have unspoken
you have unspoken
he/she/it has unspoken
we have unspoken
you have unspoken
they have unspoken
Past Continuous
I was unspeaking
you were unspeaking
he/she/it was unspeaking
we were unspeaking
you were unspeaking
they were unspeaking
Past Perfect
I had unspoken
you had unspoken
he/she/it had unspoken
we had unspoken
you had unspoken
they had unspoken
I will unspeak
you will unspeak
he/she/it will unspeak
we will unspeak
you will unspeak
they will unspeak
Future Perfect
I will have unspoken
you will have unspoken
he/she/it will have unspoken
we will have unspoken
you will have unspoken
they will have unspoken
Future Continuous
I will be unspeaking
you will be unspeaking
he/she/it will be unspeaking
we will be unspeaking
you will be unspeaking
they will be unspeaking
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been unspeaking
you have been unspeaking
he/she/it has been unspeaking
we have been unspeaking
you have been unspeaking
they have been unspeaking
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been unspeaking
you will have been unspeaking
he/she/it will have been unspeaking
we will have been unspeaking
you will have been unspeaking
they will have been unspeaking
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been unspeaking
you had been unspeaking
he/she/it had been unspeaking
we had been unspeaking
you had been unspeaking
they had been unspeaking
I would unspeak
you would unspeak
he/she/it would unspeak
we would unspeak
you would unspeak
they would unspeak
Past Conditional
I would have unspoken
you would have unspoken
he/she/it would have unspoken
we would have unspoken
you would have unspoken
they would have unspoken
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
References in periodicals archive ?
Unspeak; how words become weapons, how weapons become a message, and how that message becomes reality.
Steven Poole's UNSPEAK: HOW WORDS BECOME WEAPONS, HOW WEAPONS BECOME A MESSAGE, AND HOW THAT MESSAGE BECOMES REALITY (0802118259, $23.00) provides a compelling set of phrases and words representing attempts by politicians, interest groups and others to maintain position without argument by coining phrases as facts.
So goes the language of what Steven Poole calls 'Unspeak'.