

vb (tr)
to figure (something) out
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Nevertheless, the Standard Model is unable to unpuzzle the color confinement, color charge, dark matter, and so forth.
(7) Similarly (and more simply), one does not have to be an entomologist to follow the conceit in "The Flea." And even though Donnes use of the word "compass" in the plural may prove initially confusing in the twentieth century, even inexperienced readers can eventually unpuzzle the last section of "A Valediction: forbidding mourning"--because the conceit explains itself.
I had to call NYC mixologist Nicolas O'Connor to unpuzzle the Arizona Spring Thyme recipe he invented, because the instructions called for "igniting zest," "edible flowers" and "thyme syrup," which sound like R.
``This image gets confronted with this deconstructed image and your eyes and mind try to unpuzzle it.'' Lynne Williams, chief executive of Cardiff 2008, said the billboard was ``a great accolade for the city putting it firmly on the international map''.
Desde mi perspectiva, unpuzzle (enigma) evoca, en efecto, a un misterio o a ese algo que esta presente pero que permanece cubierto con el velo de lo extrano y lo desconocido.
Nevertheless, in all cases, the allusions and settings seem genuine, never imposed or stiff, the honest and natural product of the poetic mind attempting to unpuzzle the facts.
Political Freedom" to "Real Interest Rates: The UNpuzzle."
Kochanek unpuzzles the conundrum by pointing out 'Parties in Pakistan are built from the top-down and are identified with their founders.
Stanley A Kochanek unpuzzles the conundrum by pointing out 'Parties in Pakistan are built from the top-down and are identified with their founders.