

(ˈjuːnɪˌtaɪzə) or


a person or thing that arranges units into batches
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The systems comprise a semi or fully automatic case taper, legend ink jet printer with membrane keypad and a Compact Unitizer mounted to the top taping head section of the case taper applying the Lock n Pop pallet stabilisation system.
According to Hauck, a unitizer arranges 14-count units of Wheat Chex cereal on slip sheets and sends them along a powered roller to the shrink wrappers.
The basic system features their Compact Unitizer, XL35 semi automatic case taper and legend 55 ink jet printer.
Limpet Tapes, tel:0148 045 9461, will have as their principal exhibit the recently launched Compact Unitizer applicator for their Lock n' Pop pallet stabilization system for use with case taping machinery.
The basic system comprises the Compact Unitizer, the XL35 semi automatic case taper and the Legend 55 ink-jet printer, which are available for little more than [pounds]3000, and this price includes full installation anywhere in the UK.
Once the load has been formed, the unitizer gently discharges it onto a closecenter, chain-driven, live-roller conveyor for transport to a staging conveyor.
His areas of expertise include roll stock storage, adhesive systems, singlefacer, doublefacer, dry end, conveyors, unitizers, flexo folder-gluer, diecutting, printing, management and HR, sales and marketing, maintenance, raw materials, quality and testing, process control, ISO 9000, total quality management, corrugated shipping containers; and package performance testing.
Last September, it began replacing the existing system with 3 multi-line unitizers. Each four car shuttle system simultaneously unitizes product from four different packaging lines onto four different slipsheets by shuttling the units into the loading position to receive a layer of product.
Since then, C&H has installed three more pallet positioners (PalletPal Unitizers) for similar loading/unloading applications in the castings plant.
Studies have shown that the unitizers can cut the work required for loading and unloading pallets by as much as 75% with time savings of up to 40%.
The company installed 26 unitizers, two at each pack-out station and a few in various other locations.