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n. Archaeology
A unifacial stone tool.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


a. a medal or coin that is cast to show a moulded design on one side only
b. (as modifier): a uniface medal.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
M2 EQUITYBITES-February 4, 2014-Compuware divests Changepoint, Professional Services and Uniface units
TELECOMWORLDWIRE-February 4, 2014-Compuware divests Changepoint, Professional Services and Uniface units
One of them, a large uniface, pewter cliche, ca.1810, displaying a profile bust of the French emperor, was executed by the prominent medalist Jean Bertrand Andrieu, who owned a shop in Paris from which his cliches were sold.
Compuware Corporation (NASDAQ:CPWR), Detroit, has announced the general availability of Compuware Uniface 9.1.
The use of the term 'Kimberley point' to describe a number of different point forms, ranging from non-invasive marginally retouched uniface points which were manufactured in the Kimberley region (Figure 1), to finely worked symmetrical invasively pressure flaked points with serrated margins, manufactured in areas as far away from the Kimberley as Rottnest Island, has suggested the need for clearer definitions to distinguish between what appear to be temporally and spatially distinct artefact forms.
Graham Pollard continues the discussion of medallic reverses slightly later and correctly questions Pastoureau's problematic conclusions regarding uniface metals (though, as Waldman's essay makes manifest, caution must be used when assuming that Lysippus' exquisite self-portrait with a polished reverse was made for a woman).
There are two main classes of point: biface and uniface (see Akerman and Bindon 1995; Flood 1970; McCarthy 1967; O'Connor 1999:67ff).
Compuware now offers a unique, single-vendor solution by providing cross-product support for WebSphere with its UNIFACE, NuMega and QACenter integration.
Designed to manage performance, operational processes and information flow during air cargo handling operations, Syntegra's CargoChorus Terminal Management system will be based on Compuware's UNIFACE software to provide e-commerce capabilities.
Rochade is being integrated with Compuware's Uniface application development environment, now being particularly targeted at legacy renovation and e-commerce projects.
Other flaked artifacts include the rounded end of a relatively thin biface of red-brown chert, the end of a large pointed uniface, and several nondescript, bifacially flaked objects, unfinished bifaces and fragments or roughtly retouched flakes.