

containing only one species of alga
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References in periodicals archive ?
Each subculture was examined intervally, this method was repeated till a unialgal culture or cultures have been gained [11].
Effects of unialgal and bacteria-free cultures of Gymnodinium brevis on fish and notes on related studies with bacteria.
To account for inherent differences between quahogs, data were normalized to the percentage of the initial velocity of the individual fed a unialgal suspension of I.
In addition, attempts are being made to develop unialgal cultures using the algal media BG11, BBM, and a version of BBM modified to maintain pH near 8.
logro adaptarse a las condiciones de cultivo externas, tanto a temperaturas diurnas elevadas de 30 [+ o -] 4[grados]C, como a periodos de lluvias ocasionales; exhibiendo en todo momento un cultivo unialgal. Es decir, a pesar de ser cultivos a cielo abierto, no se observo presencia de otras especies de microalgas o de cianobacterias contaminantes; lo cual indica una ventaja competitiva para estos tipos de cultivos a escala piloto.
Numerous experiments have been conducted to determine the effect of temperature on unialgal cultures.
Phytoplankton pigment patterns in a temperate estuary: from unialgal cultures to natural assemblages.
Effects of unialgal and bacteria-free cultures of Gymnodinium breve on fish, and note on related studies with bacteria.
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