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n, pl -lae (-ˌliː)
1. (Mathematics) maths a truncated cone, cylinder, etc
2. (Zoology) a rare word for hoof
[C18: from Latin: hoof, from unguis nail]
ˈungular adj
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References in periodicals archive ?
Se utilizaron manos izquierdas de 14 equinos (Equus ferus caballus) destinados a sacrificio por razones no relacionadas con esta investigacion (edad: 6 [+ or -] 3 anos; peso promedio: 350 [+ or -] 76 kg) y que presentaron caracteristicas externas sugerentes de SN tales como: baja angulacion del dedo, paredes largas y concavidad en la cara solear de la ungula, y manos sin despalmes correctivos (Stashak, 2004).
The claws have a distinct ungula crest (the light colored knuckle) which is not as pronounced on imitation claws.
While some other features of TSC, such as non-traumatic ungula or periungual fibroma, were absent in the family.
The obolids from the Cambrian-Ordovician Obolus Sandstone of Estonia, described by Mickwitz (1896) as various species and varieties of the genus Obolus Eichwald, 1829, part of which are today assigned to the genera Ungula Pander, 1830, Schmidtites Schuchert & LeVene, 1929 and Oepikites Khazanovitch & Popov, 1984 (in Khazanovitch et al.
I will first cite from the former, Ecclesiastes 24:20-21: "Sicut cinnamomum et balsamum aromatizans odorem dedi, / quasi myrrha electa dedi suavitatem odoris; / et quasi storax, et galbanus, et ungula, et gutta, / et quasi Libanus non incisus vaporavi habitationem meam / et quasi balsamum non mistum odor meus"; and, then, 39:17-19: "In voce dicit: Obaudite me, divini fructus, / et quasi rosa plantata super rivos aquarum fructificate.
Hand radiograph shows widened shafts of phalanges and metacarpals, bony protuberances and prominent ungula tufts, which may assume a spade-like appearance.