

not cute
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Curiously, the cuteness is less prevalent in places that aren't officially supposed to lean forward: places like CNN, which has had several uncute women anchors; Fox News, whose Greta Van Susteren is nobody's idea of a barrel of monkeys; and The Wall Street Journal, where Peggy Noonan's column is hilarious precisely because it's written in such earnest.
I figured it was because I was dorky and awkward and uncute. I didn't entirely blame my height, but my height was a huge part of why I felt dorky and awkward and uncute.
"It's tough to know what to make of these findings without knowing the ways in which cute babies differ from uncute babies," says Steven Gangestad of the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque.
Andrex's skill was making something as "uncute" as wiping your bottom into an activity surrounded by loveliness, thanks to the 'aah' factor of introducing golden Labrador puppies and adorable, giggling children to the equation.
Terrible Babies Collection of quirky, "decidedly uncute"
Typical of Ruth's luck, they meet decidedly uncute: He asks if she wants to see his "one-eyed snake" on their first date, then forces himself on her.
This is a refreshing change: the sassy orphan heroine, the uncute animal sidekick and the offbeat tone.
All of this serves to set up the rivalry between now fully fledged operatives Carmen and Juni Cortez (the pleasingly uncute Alexa Vega and Daryl Sabara) and gloryhunting fellow OSS junior members, snotty teen Gary and kid sister Gerti Giggles (the suitably irritating Matt O'Leary and Haley's Joel Osment's sibling Emily).
Keep the now adolescent, gawky, and decidedly uncute birds under the brooder light for a month, or till they are well feathered and start peeking over the top of a 6-inch-high barrier ring.
But for the same reason it would be impossible, as a general rule, for children to be uncute. Cuteness is just the attribute of looking like an infant (whatever it is that infants look like)' (pp.