

not benign
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Kierkegaard seems to say that, under Christianity, the sensuous-erotic spirit in human beings is an ambiguous power which can be exercised toward the love of God and fellow humans, or exercised as a destructive force if not controlled, or as Kierkegaard says, "excluded by the Spirit." Adopting Kierkegaard's view of the sensuous-erotic, Percy argued that it is not to be confused with the ordinary biological sex drive, but understood, in Kierkegaard's terms, rather as "the inspiration of the flesh by the spirit of the flesh." Kierkegaard called the spirit of the flesh "demoniac," which, Percy says, implies "possession of the soul by an unbenign spirit" (Lost 176-177).
Yet in The Moviegoer there is one notable exception to the fate of possession by the unbenign spirit: Binx's half-brother Lonnie Smith.
Ray Ferrier Tom Cruise Rachel Ferrier Dakota Fanning Mary Ann Miranda Otto Robbie Ferrier Justin Chatwin Ogilvy Tim Robbins Vincent Rick Gonzalez Julio Yul Vazquez Nanny the Mechanic Lenny Venito Bartender Lisa Ann Walter Grandmother Ann Robinson Grandfather Gene Barry Narrator Morgan Freeman A generation later, Steven Spielberg has made the anti-"Close Encounters" in "War of the Worlds," a gritty, intense and supremely accomplished sci-fier about some distinctly unbenign alien invaders.