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(ˈuːlɑːn; ˈjuːlən)
1. (Historical Terms) a less common variant of uhlan
2. (Military) a less common variant of uhlan
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


or u•lan

(ˈu lɑn, ˈyu lən)

1. (formerly, in the Polish army) a lancer in a light-cavalry unit.
2. one of such a group as later developed into heavy cavalry in W European armies, esp. in Germany.
[1745–55; < German < Polish ulan « Turkish oğlan boy, lad]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
He's been international wanted as the main suspect of murder of Ulan Salyanov.
Speaking to the Nation, Maikona Location Senior Chief Bonaya Racha said that the attack came a few days after the residents of Ulan, which is three kilometres from Forole village and a neighbouring Ethiopian village, were embroiled in a row over a livestock watering point at the border."My friend, as we speak now we are living in terrible fear since 11 people from this area were brutally murdered today (Monday) by an Ethiopian militia group," said Mr Bonaya.
Ulan is already one of the most highly anticipated titles of the year, and the first of many more HOOQ Original Movies to come.
Jennifer Batty, Chief Content Officer of HOOQ, said, "'Ulan,' one of the most highly anticipated titles of the year, is the first of many more HOOQ Original Movies to come."
" Nadine plays Maya in the movie, "Ulan." She is a woman fascinated with rain and has the ability to see and interact with mythical creatures called "tikbalang.
Ulan is the developer of Nutrition Response Testing[R], a non-invasive system of analyzing the body in order to determine the underlying causes of ill health.
Train movements on the Ulan rail line were suspended Wednesday to allow for engineering checks on a rail bridge that left up to six coal trains stranded on the western side of the bridge.
The band is famous for hit singles such as Luha, Halik and Basang-basa sa Ulan .
The firm made history earlier this year by becoming the first British practice to set up in Mongolia, opening a studio in Ulan Bator and taking on three new Mongolian staff as part of the expansion.
The best result was shown by Ulan Moldodosov in 2004 in Athens who took the final 10th place.
The ashcoloured mummy has reportedly been sent to the National Centre of Forensic Expertise in Ulan Bator for further study, The Telegraph reported.