

(Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) a compartmental tray for storing printer's type
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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added them to his typecase without discarding the rotated ones," and these corrected 4s can be seen alongside the erroneous 4s in these three works as well as two others, The Fountayne or Well of Lyfe (STC 11211, 1534?) and A Treatise Declaryng...
the typecase of the foreclosed narrative informant today is the poorest woman in the South" (6).
A hand compositor reaching into the typecase for an e might then come up with any of several similar but not identical forms.
1998], and, therefore, if we augment CL with a variant of Harper and Morrisett's typecase mechanism, we may be able to verify the results of storagemode optimizations as well.
* Typecase III ($49.95) Publishing/presentations (Windows)
Modula-3 provides a TYPECASE statement, which allows for run-time branching based on the type of a value:
[is less than]TB[is greater than] PROCEDURE Print (X : REFANY) = BEGIN TYPECASE X OF INTEGER(Xi) ??
This proposal includes a construct similar to Modula-3's TYPECASE construct for examining the type tag in such a value.
[1992] have considered an extension of dynamics to allow this, allowing type variables in the patterns of the rules of the typecase
[is less than]TB[is greater than] fun print (x : dynamic) = typecase x of int(ival) ??
BEST-SELLING TITLES: * Typecase and Typecase, II ($49,95) publishing/presentations/fonts (Windows) * Bicycle Holiday ($69,95) Consumer/entertainment (Windows) * Bicycle Solitaire ($39.95) Consumer/enertainment (Windows)