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(Aeronautics) an aircraft driven by three engines
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Synopsis: In 1928 a Pinkerton detective in a Ford trimotor plane chases a Flagler treasure train to Key West during the Okeechobee Hurricane.
For contributing photojournalist Kristin Moore, her ride in the 1928 Ford TriMotor 5-AT-B, was her first plane ride.
He persuaded his father to let him take a ride on a Ford Trimotor. "And the pilot, after starting the engine, buckled me in, he touched me with a wire and shocked me, and he said, You're going to be a pilot,' " he remembered in a video interview for the Experimental Aircraft Association, a Wisconsin-based international association promoting recreational flying.
The 1930s' JU-Air trimotor JU52 military aircraft was being used for sightseeing.
The legendary Henry Ford made aircraft - bringing the Trimotor, an inspirationally named three-motor passenger plane, to the market in the 1920s.
It's labeled "Instruction Manual for Ford Trimotor." It contains elements of a POH/ AFM, a flight and operations manual and even a maintenance manual.
On a side note, I have over 7000 hours of multi-engine time, and I am rated in helicopters and the Citation 550, the L-39, Ford Trimotor and many others.
That was when their Fallschirmjager dropped from trimotor JU-52's over the island of Crete in May 1941.