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Related to Trient: trident


(Placename) the German name for Trento Also: Trent
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Landsat image from 19 Aug 2017 illustrating the snowline on Mont Blanc glaciers with one month left in the melt season (M = Mer de Glace; A = Argentiere; S = Saleina; L = Le Tour; T = Trient).
In addition, Baldwin Telecom lent its support to keep contract manufacturer Trient Technologies in the area.
He smuggled the collection out of Nazi Germany by sewing it into an old mattress and left the porcelain in the museum in Trient, Italy, before emigrating to America.
5, <<Uber die kirchliche Rechtsfalle, welche den Glauben, die Sacramente, die geistliche Verrichtungen und die mit dem geistlichen Amte verbundenen Pflichten und Rechte betreffen, hat der Gerichtshof des Erzbischofs nach Vorschrift der Kirchengesetze und nach den Bestimmungen des Concils von Trient zu erkennen.
Schriften des Italienisch-Deutschen Historischen Instituts in Trient, Band 6, 69-134.
OTTO, <<Die Lehre des Konzils von Trient uber das Weihesakrament>>, en IDEM, Das Weihesakrament, M.
For more information, see Giuseppe Alberigo, I vescovi italiani al Concilio di Trento (Florence: 1959), and Hubert Jedin, II Geschichte Des Konzils Von Trient, trans.
(Collectors should take care not to confuse these with the more common specimens from French Mont Blanc and from the Aare and Gotthard regions.) Swiss Mont Blanc fluorite specimens, with octahedral crystals to 3 cm on edge, have come from exposed clefts around the Glacier du Trient (whose western edge is just meters away from France); other good finds have occurred near Glacier d'Orny, the mountain peak called Catogne, and the eastern side of the mountain called Tour Noir, which straddles the Swiss-French border (Stalder et al., 1998; Meisser, 1999).
Reynard, E., Regolini-Bissig, G., Kozlik, L., Benedetti, S., (2009), Assessment and promotion of cultural geomorphosites in the Trient Valley (Switzerland), Valutazione e promozione di geomorfositi culturali nella Valle del Trient (Svizzera), Mem.
Das Konzil von Trient (1545-1563) schrieb fur die Einberufung von Provinzialkonzilien einen dreijahrigen Rhythmus vor, dessen Einhaltung der Traktat <<De concilio provinciali>> 1565 empfahl, wie Johannes Grohe (Rom) aufzeigte.