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(ˈtrɪdjʊəm; ˈtraɪ-)
(Roman Catholic Church) RC Church a period of three days for prayer before a feast
[C19: Latin, perhaps from triduum spatium a space of three days]
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References in periodicals archive ?
Perhaps it is because, Father Anscar volunteers, the Holy Week (liturgically, from Palm Sunday to Holy Thursday) and the Easter Triduum (from Good Friday to the evening prayer of Easter Sunday) are observed as the week "when Christ accomplished the promise of salvation prefigured by the Old Testament.
As I write, the Easter triduum, the time from sundown on Holy Thursday to sundown on Easter Day, is only hours away.
Lent should bring you to a point of spiritual intensity so that the Triduum of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter touches the mystery of your own existence.
The Paschal Triduum, a three- day tradition, begins tonight and culminates with the evening prayer on the night of Black Saturday during the Easter Vigil.
To remind us of the spiritual roots of Holy Week, the Archdiocese of Manila has come up with a small publication titled "Holy Week and the Easter Triduum" with words by Fr.
It was all new and my only guide was a mimeographed program with the schedule for the Triduum and the advice to imitate my fellow worshipers.
For the Easter Triduum comes this classic quote from German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer, executed by Nazis in the Flossenburg concentration camp on April 9, 1945: "Cheap grace is grace without discipleship, grace without the Cross, grace without Jesus Christ, living and incarnate." (The Cost of Discipleship)
"The celebration should be in anticipation to the Lord's Resurrection or Easter, the Triduum, which starts with Christ's institution of the Eucharist, with the symbolism of the Last Supper with his apostles, and, from his passion and death up to his resurrection," she said.
"As we draw more deeply into the heart of this season of Lent, we have been given a means to observe in a more meaningful manner the coming days with the launching of the book, Holy Week and the Eastern Triduum, by the late Fr.
Ignatius (July 14-August 16, 2011), Individual Spiritual Direction, Holy Week Triduum, Mornings, Days, Weekends of Prayer, opportunities for Hosted Groups, a Spiritual Direction Training Program (September-April).
When the Paschal Triduum begins on Maundy Thursday, businesses and establishments take the weekend off.
Triduum Masses were celebrated by Naga Archbishop Orlando TriaTirona, O.