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(ˈtrɪkˌtræk) or


(Games, other than specified) a game similar to backgammon
[C17: from French, imitative]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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He took Rebecca to task once or twice about the propriety of playing at backgammon with Sir Pitt, saying that it was a godless amusement, and that she would be much better engaged in reading "Thrump's Legacy," or "The Blind Washerwoman of Moorfields," or any work of a more serious nature; but Miss Sharp said her dear mother used often to play the same game with the old Count de Trictrac and the venerable Abbe du Cornet, and so found an excuse for this and other worldly amusements.
Meanwhile, PGI's BiCo technology provides a soft hand that translates into comfort and softness attributes when converted into an end product; Airtenis a family of air through bond carded materials, which maximizes performance in hygiene applications; and TricTrac is PGI's thermal bond carded material with a distinguished embossed pattern providing enhanced softness and visual aspect suitable for top sheet and outer cover applications.
As for chess, Cropper tells us it represented the violence of the feudal system whereas trictrac, a slow-paced card game, fell out of style during the Revolution and became defunct by the 1850s.
In addition to fencing, Cropper looks at le jeu de paume (the precursor to tennis), bullfighting, trictrac and chess, hunting, and the restoration of the Olympic Gaines, Pierre de Coubertin's pet project at the end of the century.
Cox Plate; Balmerino (by Trictrac) was a dual Classic winner in his homeland before conquering Australia, where the Brisbane Cup featured among his victories, and making his mark at the top level in Europe, where he finished second in Alleged's first Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe and forfeited a Group 1 win in Italy in the stewards' room; Beau Zam (by Zamazaan) notched Group 1 triumphs in Australia, including an AJC Derby.
(3) Consider Merimee's other narratives: the marriages which occur in Lokis and La Venus d'Ille are promptly disrupted by mysterious, brutal murders; religious wars interrupt the budding relationship between Mergy and Diane de Turgis in Merimee's Chronique du regne de Charles IX; the protagonists of Le Vase etrusque, La Partie de trictrac, La Double meprise, Arsene Guillot, and Carmen all die in tragic circumstances; in Mateo Falcone the protagonist kills his own son.