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n.1.One who toys; one who is full of trifling tricks; a trifler.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Cast: Lynette Jones, Shawn McMillan, Makeda Francisco, Justin Toyer, Keith Porch, Ricardo Morgan, Teionnah Mathis, Ann Glassco, Christine Woodley, Jaylan Henry; Director: Lynette Jones
Courtnie Toyer, one of the students involved in the project, said: "The new online graded unit project provided an exciting and interactive format in which we were able to successfully design and digitally submit our graded unit assignments.
Felis catus gammaherpesvirus 1 (FcaGHVl) was first identified in the United States by TOYER et al (2014) and has since been associated with coinfections, mainly with feline retroviruses (BEATTY et al., 2014; TROYER et al., 2014).
(77) Julien Toyer, "Belgium gave tip to Catalan police about imam before attack--source," Reuters, August 24, 2017; Patricia Ortega and Alvaro Sanchez, "Los Mossos fueron informados por los belgas de las sospechas sobre el iman de Ripoll," Pais, August 23, 2017.
Comme si j'avais toujours fait partie de l'AaAaAeA@q rAaAaAeA@dactionnelle, oAaAaAeA j'ai eu le plaisir de cAaAaAeA toyer -dans le dAaAaAe Mohamed Nabil Benabdallah, alors Directeur de la Publication, feu Mimoune Habriche, feu Mohammed Farhat, ainsi que tous les autres valeureux membres de la rAaAaAeA@daction, des AaAaAeA@quipes techniques, mais aussi des serv administratifs de l'AaAaAeA@poqu
Was class in his time at Milan." Rikky Toyer ENTERTAINMENT: Little Mix's Jade Thirlwall was at St James' Park on Saturday to see Newcastle win.
RTS' has highly-skilled staff and expertise in the field, so the company will be a great fit to TFG's Software-as-a-Service offerings to its US clients, said TFG chief executive Martin Toyer.
Toyer (1968), todavia, sugere que metodos tradicionais de educacao de consumo, legislacoes existentes e as formas utilizadas para implementar leis nao sao eficientes.
In October, South Africa's Taste Holdings, which owns Scooters Pizza and Maxi's, announced diluted headline earnings per share had improved by 28% toyer the six months ended August 2013.