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Related to touse: rouse


vb (tr)
to tangle, ruffle, or disarrange; to treat roughly
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[taʊz] VT (lit, fig) → dar una paliza a
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In this paper, we propose Time Optimal User Selection based on Effective SNR (TOUSE), a scalable and fair user selection scheme for MU-MIMO networks to achieve higher throughput.
3) TOUSE has abilities to adapt to different network channel qualities, no matter what the quality of channel.
4) Finally, we experimentally evaluate the performance of TOUSE. Result shows that, on average, the throughput gain of TOUSE is 1.5 x over traditional random user selection scheme in 3-antennas AP scenarios and fairness performance is similar.
Section 3 provides an overview of the components of TOUSE. Section 4 evaluates the performance of TOUSE with experimentations.
TOUSE is designed a novel metric without CSI feedback benefiting from [29], and presents a fair user selection mechanism based on overhead time matches.
TOUSE presents a new preference metric which aims to make full use of time resource and guarantees fairness.
Before giving the details of TOUSE, there are some available pre-sounding information to introduce.
He was fitted touse a reserve suit, which he wore Tuesday.
Windsor Health Group on Thursday announced that along with its affiliated companies it has appointed James Touse as general counsel.
In his new role Touse will be responsible for providing legal advise and services necessary for the company to comply with applicable laws, avoid foreseeable risks and capitalise on opportunities created by a changing legal, regulatory and market environment.
Prior to his appointment with Windsor Health Group, Touse served as general counsel, compliance officer and corporate secretary of Life and Specialty Ventures LLC and its affiliates.
James and Patricia Touse purchased the house from Benjamin and Kristen Eiler.