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(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a variant of totalitarian
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Moreover, our Constitution cannot be made to legitimize such a totalist view of law because it was written to establish a government of distinctly limited powers.
Frenchman Christophe Clement, who won his first Triple Crown race with Totalist, declined to comment on Coburn's remarks.
Within the limited space allowed, the purpose of my paper is to show that the origin of historical progressivism and secular philosophies of history should be sought in a series of intertwined layers, uniting eschatological thought, political utopianism, temporality and the impact of totalist heterodoxies.
Furthermore, as Jahan Ramazani emphasizes in one of the best essays in the Handbook, the bottom line is not just that modernist poetics turns to this entire panoply of discursive protocols but that, in so doing, it operates of necessity transnationally, topologically, and interstitially, completing its project both as a non-"totalist" whole and in its individual undertakings according to what Susan Stanford Friedman calls the "circulation model" (503).
His activism on behalf of both 3D weapons and the decentralized nonstate currency Bitcoin--which seems to interest him even more than 3D guns for its disruptive possibilities of helping human beings act and transact freely while evading the totalist carceral eye of the state--had him gallivanting around Europe earlier this year with crypto-anarchists and Occupy Wall Streeters, shady criminals and bigshot financiers.
Thus, a festival meant to promote openness or internationalist sentiments, such as World Youth Day or Labour Day will, at least in certain aspects, be performed and interpreted very differently in a liberal democracy in comparison to a totalist (1) state, even though they will likely maintain common means of representation and aesthetics.
"In this twentieth century of the Christian era the real contest is between the power of transcendent faith and the power of the totalist revolt against order" Russell Kirk, author of The Conservative Mind, wrote in 1963.
In other words, it is impossible to adopt a totalist criticism of globalisation by putting all the blame on the acceleration of western imperialism.
Cult (totalist type): a group or movement exhibiting a great or excessive devotion or dedication to some person, idea, or thing, and employing unethical, manipulative, or coercive techniques of persuasion and control (e.g., isolation from former friends and family, debilitation, use of special methods to heighten suggestibility and subservience, powerful group pressures, information management, promotion of total dependency on the group and fear of leaving it, suspension of individuality and critical judgment, etc.), designed to advance the goals of the group's leaders, to the possible or actual detriments of members, their families, or the community (p.
(6) However, a secular version of this totalist worldview is also present within sections of the Western intelligentsia that are heirs to the radical ideology of the New Left, and is seen in their willingness to defend terrorism in various ways, even when it serves the interests of an ultra-repressive theocratic absolutism that should otherwise be anathema to the secularism of the radical left.
Despite the wide range of music that BoaC embraces, the overall aesthetic is about being cutting edge and the most prominent style is "totalist"--to borrow a term composer/critic Kyle Gann has coined for work that combines the volume and rhythmic drive of rock with the cerebral processes and often dissonance associated with contemporary classical music.