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vb, -fies, -fying or -fied
(Pharmacology) (tr) to dry (drugs, ores, etc) by subjection to intense heat; roast
[C17: from French torréfier, from Latin torrefacere, from torrēre to parch + facere to make]
torrefaction n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


Past participle: torrefied
Gerund: torrefying

I torrefy
you torrefy
he/she/it torrefies
we torrefy
you torrefy
they torrefy
I torrefied
you torrefied
he/she/it torrefied
we torrefied
you torrefied
they torrefied
Present Continuous
I am torrefying
you are torrefying
he/she/it is torrefying
we are torrefying
you are torrefying
they are torrefying
Present Perfect
I have torrefied
you have torrefied
he/she/it has torrefied
we have torrefied
you have torrefied
they have torrefied
Past Continuous
I was torrefying
you were torrefying
he/she/it was torrefying
we were torrefying
you were torrefying
they were torrefying
Past Perfect
I had torrefied
you had torrefied
he/she/it had torrefied
we had torrefied
you had torrefied
they had torrefied
I will torrefy
you will torrefy
he/she/it will torrefy
we will torrefy
you will torrefy
they will torrefy
Future Perfect
I will have torrefied
you will have torrefied
he/she/it will have torrefied
we will have torrefied
you will have torrefied
they will have torrefied
Future Continuous
I will be torrefying
you will be torrefying
he/she/it will be torrefying
we will be torrefying
you will be torrefying
they will be torrefying
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been torrefying
you have been torrefying
he/she/it has been torrefying
we have been torrefying
you have been torrefying
they have been torrefying
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been torrefying
you will have been torrefying
he/she/it will have been torrefying
we will have been torrefying
you will have been torrefying
they will have been torrefying
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been torrefying
you had been torrefying
he/she/it had been torrefying
we had been torrefying
you had been torrefying
they had been torrefying
I would torrefy
you would torrefy
he/she/it would torrefy
we would torrefy
you would torrefy
they would torrefy
Past Conditional
I would have torrefied
you would have torrefied
he/she/it would have torrefied
we would have torrefied
you would have torrefied
they would have torrefied
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
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The transaction was arranged by Torrefy Corporation, Heyl & Patterson's exclusive worldwide sales agent for biomass torrefaction systems.
While nature has provided only so much coal, we will be able to grow and torrefy biomass while recycling carbon dioxide.