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v. tied, ty·ing (tī′ĭng), ties
1. To fasten or secure with or as if with a cord, rope, or strap: tied the kite to a post; tie up a bundle.
2. To fasten by drawing together the parts or sides and knotting with strings or laces: tied her shoes.
a. To make by fastening ends or parts: tie a knot.
b. To put a knot or bow in: tie a neck scarf.
4. To confine or restrict as if with cord: duties that tied him to the office.
5. To bring together in relationship; connect or unite: friends who were tied by common interests; people who are tied by blood or marriage.
a. To equal (an opponent or an opponent's score) in a contest.
b. To equal an opponent's score in (a contest): tied the game with minutes remaining.
7. Music To join (notes) by a tie.
1. To be fastened or attached: The apron ties at the back.
2. To achieve equal scores in a contest.
1. A cord, string, or other means by which something is tied.
2. Something that connects or unites; a link: a blood tie; marital ties.
3. A necktie.
4. A beam or rod that joins parts and gives support.
5. One of the timbers or slabs of concrete laid across a railroad bed to support the rails.
a. An equality of scores, votes, or performance in a contest: The election ended in a tie.
b. A contest so resulting; a draw.
7. Music A curved line above or below two notes of the same pitch, indicating that the tone is to be sustained for their combined duration.
Phrasal Verbs:
tie in
1. To bring into or have a harmonious or effective relation; connect or coordinate: His explanation of what happened ties in with ours. We tied the new room in with the existing decor.
2. To include as part of a promotional tie-in: tied the movie in with their car brand.
tie into
To attack energetically.
tie up
1. Nautical To secure or be secured to a shore or pier; dock.
2. To impede the progress of; block: The accident tied up traffic.
3. To keep occupied; engage: She was tied up in a meeting all morning. The phone was tied up for an hour.
4. To place (funds) so as to make inaccessible for other uses: tied up her cash in long-term investments.
tie one on Slang
To become intoxicated; go on a drinking spree.
tie the knot Slang
1. To get married.
2. To perform a marriage ceremony.

[Middle English teien, from Old English tīgan; see deuk- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


vb, ties, tying or tied
1. (when: tr, often foll by up) to fasten or be fastened with string, thread, etc
2. to make (a knot or bow) in (something): to tie a knot; tie a ribbon.
3. (tr) to restrict or secure
4. to equal the score of a competitor or fellow candidate
5. (tr) informal to unite in marriage
6. (Music, other) music
a. to execute (two successive notes of the same pitch) as though they formed one note of composite time value
b. to connect (two printed notes) with a tie
7. fit to be tied slang very angry or upset
8. a bond, link, or fastening
9. a restriction or restraint
10. a string, wire, ribbon, etc, with which something is tied
11. (Clothing & Fashion) a long narrow piece of material worn, esp by men, under the collar of a shirt, tied in a knot close to the throat with the ends hanging down the front. US name: necktie
a. an equality in score, attainment, etc, in a contest
b. the match or competition in which such a result is attained
13. (Civil Engineering) a structural member carrying tension, such as a tie beam or tie rod
14. (General Sporting Terms) sport Brit a match or game in an eliminating competition: a cup tie.
15. (Clothing & Fashion) (usually plural) a shoe fastened by means of laces
16. (Railways) the US and Canadian name for sleeper3
17. (Music, other) music a slur connecting two notes of the same pitch indicating that the sound is to be prolonged for their joint time value
18. (Surveying) surveying one of two measurements running from two points on a survey line to a point of detail to fix its position
19. (Knitting & Sewing) lacemaking another name for bride2
[Old English tīgan to tie; related to Old Norse teygja to draw, stretch out, Old English tēon to pull; see tug, tow1, tight]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



v. tied, ty•ing,
n. v.t.
1. to bind or fasten with a cord, string, or the like: to tie a bundle.
2. to fasten by tightening and knotting the string or strings of: to tie one's shoes.
3. to draw or fasten together into a knot or bow: to tie one's shoelaces.
4. to form by looping and interlacing, as a knot or bow.
5. to bind or join closely or firmly: Great affection tied them.
6. to confine or restrict: The weather tied us to the house.
7. to oblige to do something.
8. to make the same score as; equal in a contest.
9. to connect (musical notes) by a tie.
10. to design and make (an artificial fly) for fishing.
11. to make a tie, bond, or connection.
12. to make the same score; be equal in a contest: to tie for first place.
13. tie down, to curtail the activities of; confine: The desk job ties him down.
14. tie in,
a. to connect coherently; be consistent: His story ties in with the facts.
b. to make or form a tie-in.
15. tie off, to tie a cord or suture around (a blood vessel or the like) so as to stop the flow within.
16. tie up,
a. to fasten securely by tying.
b. to wrap and secure, as with string; bind.
c. to hinder or bring to a stop; impede.
d. to render (money or property) unavailable for further disposition, investment, etc.
e. to moor (a ship).
f. to engage or occupy completely: The boss is tied up till noon.
17. a cord, string, or the like, used for tying, fastening, or wrapping something.
18. that with which anything is tied.
19. a necktie.
20. a low shoe fastened with a lace.
21. an ornamental knot; bow.
22. a bond, as of affection, kinship, or mutual interest: family ties.
23. a state of equality in points scored, votes obtained, etc., among competitors.
24. any of various structural members, as beams or rods, for keeping two objects, as rafters or the haunches of an arch, from spreading or separating.
25. a curved line connecting two musical notes on the same line or space to indicate that the sound is to be sustained for their joint value, not repeated.
26. one of the wooden beams laid across the bed of a railroad to support the rails and keep them in place; crosstie.
1. tie one on, Slang. to get drunk.
2. tie the knot, Informal. to marry.
[before 900; Middle English te(i)gh cord, rope, Old English tēah, tēg, c. Old Norse taug rope. compare tug, tow1]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


  • dogfall - A draw or tie.
  • dead heat - If two horses tied in a heat, the heat did not count and was called "dead"; now any tie can be called a dead heat.
  • knit - Literally first meant "tie with or in a knot."
  • moor - Meaning "tie up a boat," it was probably borrowed from German or Dutch.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: tied
Gerund: tying

I tie
you tie
he/she/it ties
we tie
you tie
they tie
I tied
you tied
he/she/it tied
we tied
you tied
they tied
Present Continuous
I am tying
you are tying
he/she/it is tying
we are tying
you are tying
they are tying
Present Perfect
I have tied
you have tied
he/she/it has tied
we have tied
you have tied
they have tied
Past Continuous
I was tying
you were tying
he/she/it was tying
we were tying
you were tying
they were tying
Past Perfect
I had tied
you had tied
he/she/it had tied
we had tied
you had tied
they had tied
I will tie
you will tie
he/she/it will tie
we will tie
you will tie
they will tie
Future Perfect
I will have tied
you will have tied
he/she/it will have tied
we will have tied
you will have tied
they will have tied
Future Continuous
I will be tying
you will be tying
he/she/it will be tying
we will be tying
you will be tying
they will be tying
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been tying
you have been tying
he/she/it has been tying
we have been tying
you have been tying
they have been tying
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been tying
you will have been tying
he/she/it will have been tying
we will have been tying
you will have been tying
they will have been tying
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been tying
you had been tying
he/she/it had been tying
we had been tying
you had been tying
they had been tying
I would tie
you would tie
he/she/it would tie
we would tie
you would tie
they would tie
Past Conditional
I would have tied
you would have tied
he/she/it would have tied
we would have tied
you would have tied
they would have tied
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.tie - neckwear consisting of a long narrow piece of material worn (mostly by men) under a collar and tied in knot at the fronttie - neckwear consisting of a long narrow piece of material worn (mostly by men) under a collar and tied in knot at the front; "he stood in front of the mirror tightening his necktie"; "he wore a vest and tie"
bola, bola tie, bolo, bolo tie - a cord fastened around the neck with an ornamental clasp and worn as a necktie
bow tie, bowtie, bow-tie - a man's tie that ties in a bow
four-in-hand - a long necktie that is tied in a slipknot with one end hanging in front of the other
neckwear - articles of clothing worn about the neck
old school tie - necktie indicating the school the wearer attended
string tie - a very narrow necktie usually tied in a bow
Windsor tie - a wide necktie worn in a loose bow
2.tie - a social or business relationshiptie - a social or business relationship; "a valuable financial affiliation"; "he was sorry he had to sever his ties with other members of the team"; "many close associations with England"
relationship - a state involving mutual dealings between people or parties or countries
3.tie - equality of score in a contest
equivalence, par, equality, equation - a state of being essentially equal or equivalent; equally balanced; "on a par with the best"
deuce - a tie in tennis or table tennis that requires winning two successive points to win the game
4.tie - a horizontal beam used to prevent two other structural members from spreading apart or separatingtie - a horizontal beam used to prevent two other structural members from spreading apart or separating; "he nailed the rafters together with a tie beam"
beam - long thick piece of wood or metal or concrete, etc., used in construction
5.tie - a fastener that serves to join or connect; "the walls are held together with metal links placed in the wet mortar during construction"
nosepiece, bridge - the link between two lenses; rests on the nose
fastening, holdfast, fastener, fixing - restraint that attaches to something or holds something in place
6.tie - the finish of a contest in which the score is tied and the winner is undecided; "the game ended in a draw"; "their record was 3 wins, 6 losses and a tie"
finish - designated event that concludes a contest (especially a race); "excitement grew as the finish neared"; "my horse was several lengths behind at the finish"; "the winner is the team with the most points at the finish"
dead heat - a tie in a race
stalemate - drawing position in chess: any of a player's possible moves would place his king in check
7.tie - (music) a slur over two notes of the same pitch; indicates that the note is to be sustained for their combined time value
slur - (music) a curved line spanning notes that are to be played legato
music - an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner
8.tie - one of the cross braces that support the rails on a railway tracktie - one of the cross braces that support the rails on a railway track; "the British call a railroad tie a sleeper"
bracing, brace - a structural member used to stiffen a framework
railroad track, railway, railroad - a line of track providing a runway for wheels; "he walked along the railroad track"
9.tie - a cord (or string or ribbon or wire etc.) with which something is tied; "he needed a tie for the packages"
cord - a line made of twisted fibers or threads; "the bundle was tied with a cord"
drawing string, drawstring, string - a tie consisting of a cord that goes through a seam around an opening; "he pulled the drawstring and closed the bag"
Verb1.tie - fasten or secure with a rope, string, or cordtie - fasten or secure with a rope, string, or cord; "They tied their victim to the chair"
gag, muzzle - tie a gag around someone's mouth in order to silence them; "The burglars gagged the home owner and tied him to a chair"
retie - tie again or anew; "retie the string and make it strong enough now"
bind off, tie up - finish the last row
loop - fasten or join with a loop; "He looped the watch through his belt"
cord - bind or tie with a cord
lash together - bind together with a cord or rope; "Lash together these barrels!"
truss - tie the wings and legs of a bird before cooking it
leash, rope - fasten with a rope; "rope the bag securely"
strap - tie with a strap
knot - tie or fasten into a knot; "knot the shoelaces"
lash - bind with a rope, chain, or cord; "lash the horse"
band - bind or tie together, as with a band
fasten, fix, secure - cause to be firmly attached; "fasten the lock onto the door"; "she fixed her gaze on the man"
lace up, lace - draw through eyes or holes; "lace the shoelaces"
tie down, tie up, truss, bind - secure with or as if with ropes; "tie down the prisoners"; "tie up the old newspapers and bring them to the recycling shed"
unbrace, unlace, untie - undo the ties of; "They untied the prisoner"
2.tie - finish a game with an equal number of points, goals, etc.; "The teams drew a tie"
equalise, equalize, equate, equal, match - make equal, uniform, corresponding, or matching; "let's equalize the duties among all employees in this office"; "The company matched the discount policy of its competitors"
3.tie - limit or restrict to; "I am tied to UNIX"; "These big jets are tied to large airports"
confine, limit, throttle, trammel, restrain, restrict, bound - place limits on (extent or access); "restrict the use of this parking lot"; "limit the time you can spend with your friends"
4.tie - connect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces; "Can you connect the two loudspeakers?"; "Tie the ropes together"; "Link arms"
conjoin, join - make contact or come together; "The two roads join here"
ground - connect to a ground; "ground the electrical connections for safety reasons"
bring together, join - cause to become joined or linked; "join these two parts so that they fit together"
attach - cause to be attached
daisy-chain - connect devices on a part of a chip or circuit board in a computer
tie - unite musical notes by a tie
interconnect, interlink - cause to be interconnected or interwoven
tee - connect with a tee; "tee two pipes"
put through - connect by telephone; "the operator put a call through to Rio"
hitch - connect to a vehicle: "hitch the trailer to the car"
hang together, interdepend - be connected; "In my heart I can make the world hang together"
bridge, bridge over - connect or reduce the distance between
5.tie - form a knot or bow in; "tie a necktie"
shape, form - give shape or form to; "shape the dough"; "form the young child's character"
6.tie - create social or emotional tiestie - create social or emotional ties; "The grandparents want to bond with the child"
relate - have or establish a relationship to; "She relates well to her peers"
fixate - attach (oneself) to a person or thing in a neurotic way; "He fixates on his mother, even at the age of 40"
befriend - become friends with; "John and Eric soon became friends"; "Have you made friends yet in your new environment?"
7.tie - perform a marriage ceremonytie - perform a marriage ceremony; "The minister married us on Saturday"; "We were wed the following week"; "The couple got spliced on Hawaii"
officiate - act in an official capacity in a ceremony or religious ritual, such as a wedding; "Who officiated at your wedding?"
solemnise, solemnize - perform (the wedding ceremony) with proper ceremonies
8.tie - make by tying pieces together; "The fishermen tied their flies"
fashion, forge - make out of components (often in an improvising manner); "She fashioned a tent out of a sheet and a few sticks"
9.tie - unite musical notes by a tie
connect, link, link up, tie - connect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces; "Can you connect the two loudspeakers?"; "Tie the ropes together"; "Link arms"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. fasten, bind, join, unite, link, connect, attach, knot, truss, interlace He tied the ends of the plastic bag together.
fasten loose, undo, untie, unfasten, free, release, separate, unhitch, unknot
2. tether, secure, rope, moor, lash, make fast She tied her horse to a fence post.
3. do up, knot, make a bow in, make a knot in He pulled on his heavy shoes and tied the shoelaces.
4. restrict, limit, confine, hold, bind, restrain, hamper, hinder I wouldn't like to be tied to catching the last train home.
restrict free, release
5. relate, link, connect, unite, join, couple, marry My social life and business life are closely tied.
6. draw, be even, be level, be neck and neck, match, equal Both teams had tied on points and goal difference.
1. fastening, binding, link, band, bond, joint, connection, string, rope, knot, cord, fetter, ligature little empire-line coats with ribbon ties
2. necktie, cravat, neckerchief He had taken off his jacket and loosened his tie.
4. draw, dead heat, deadlock, stalemate The first game ended in a tie.
5. (Brit.) match, game, contest, fixture, meeting, event, trial, bout They'll meet the winners of the first round tie.
6. encumbrance, restriction, limitation, check, handicap, restraint, hindrance, bind (informal) It's a bit of a tie, going there every Sunday.
tie in with something
1. link, relate to, connect, be relevant to, come in to, have bearing on subjects which tie in with whatever you enjoy about painting
2. fit in with, coincide with, coordinate with, harmonize with, occur simultaneously with Our wedding date had to tie in with Dave's leaving the army.
tie someone down restrict, inhibit, constrain, cramp, shackle, cramp someone's style We'd agreed from the beginning not to tie each other down.
tie something or someone up bind, restrain, pinion, truss someone or something up Don't you think we should tie him up and put a guard over him?
tie something up
1. secure, lash, tether, make fast, moor, attach, rope I had tied the boat up in the marina and furled my sail.
2. conclude, settle, wrap up (informal), end, wind up, terminate, finish off, bring to a close They hope to tie up a deal within the next few weeks.
3. commit, invest something long-term, make something unavailable Don't tie all your capital up in property.

Ties and cravats

ascot, bertha, black tie, boa, bow tie, carcanet (archaic), comforter (chiefly Brit.), cravat, dicky or dicky bow, falling band, fichu, foulard, kerchief, madras, muffler, neckcloth, neckerchief, rebozo, scarf, school tie, stock, stole, tie or (U.S.) necktie, white tie, Windsor tie
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. To make fast or firmly fixed, as by means of a cord or rope:
2. To restrict the activity or free movement of:
Informal: hog-tie.
3. To do or make something equal to:
phrasal verb
tie up
1. To make fast or firmly fixed, as by means of a cord or rope:
2. To cause to cease regular activity:
Idiom: bring to a screeching halt.
3. To cause to be busy or in use:
1. That which unites or binds:
2. An equality of scores, votes, or performances in a contest:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
تَعادُل في النِّقاطرابِطرِبَاطُ العُنْقرَبْطَة عُنْقمُباراه تعادُل
kravatazavázatzavazovat sepoutopražec
bindeslipsspille uafgjort meduafgjortbinde sammen
sitoasolmiasolmiopäättyä tasapeliin
kravatavezatizavršiti neodlučnim rezultatom
bajnoki mérkõzéscsomóra kötholtversenyben végezkötkötõdik
jafnteflileikur í útsláttarkeppnivera hnÿtturbandband, tengsl
būti susietamkaklaraištisrištisurinkti lygų taškų skaičiųsusirišti
apsietbūt sasienamamdalīt vietuiegūt vienādu punktu skaitukaklasaite
vylučovací zápaszapínať sazaviazať
kravataneodločen rezultatprivezativezzvezati
bindaknytaslipsspela oavgjort
bağlamakberabere kalmakkravatoynanacak maçberaberlik
buộccà vạthòa


A. N
1. (= necktie) → corbata f
see also black, bow, white
2. (= fastening) (for plastic bags) → atadura f; (on garment) → lazo m
3. (= bond) → lazo m, vínculo m
the ties of friendshiplos lazos or vínculos de la amistad
the ties that bind uslos lazos que nos unen
he wants to maintain close ties with the USquiere mantener unos vínculos or lazos estrechos con Estados Unidos
diplomatic tiesrelaciones fpl diplomáticas
family tieslazos mpl familiares
4. (= hindrance, obligation) → atadura f
pets are as much of a tie as childrenlas mascotas te atan tanto como los niños, las mascotas son una atadura tan grande como los niños
I have no ties hereno tengo nada que me retenga aquí or que me impida irme de aquí
I can't go because of family tiesno puedo ir debido a obligaciones familiares
5. (esp Sport) (= draw) → empate m
the match ended in a tieel partido terminó en empate or con (un) empate
6. (Brit) (Sport) (also cup tie) → partido m (de copa), eliminatoria f (de copa)
7. (Archit) (= support) → tirante m
8. (Mus) → ligadura f
9. (US) (Rail) → traviesa f
1. (= fasten) [+ one's shoelaces] → atarse, amarrarse (LAm); [+ sb's shoelaces] → atar, amarrar (LAm); [+ one's necktie] → hacerse el nudo de; [+ sb's necktie] → hacer el nudo de; [+ parcel] → atar, amarrar (LAm)
she tied a ribbon around the kitten's neckató un lazo al cuello del gatito
he tied the rope around his waistse ató la cuerda a la cintura
her hands were tied behind her backtenía las manos atadas a la espalda
to tie sth in a bowhacer un lazo con algo
to tie a knot in sthhacer un nudo en or con algo
he tied the dog to a lamppostató el perro a una farola
he tied the ends of the cord togetherató los extremos de la cuerda
he tied her hands togetherle ató las manos
we'd like to help, but our hands are tiednos gustaría ayudar pero tenemos atadas las manos
see also knot
2. (= link) → relacionar (to con) rates are tied to property valueslas contribuciones urbanas están relacionadas con el valor or van ligadas al valor del inmueble
3. (= restrict) → atar
I'm tied to the house/my desk all dayme paso todo el día atada a la casa/la mesa de trabajo
are we tied to this plan?¿estamos atados or restringidos a este plan?
she didn't want to be tied to a long-term contractno quería atarse a un contrato a largo plazo
4. (Sport) [+ game, match] → empatar
1. (= fasten) → atarse
the overall ties at the backel delantal se ata a la espalda
2. (= draw) (in match, competition, election) → empatar
D. CPD tie clip, tie clasp Npinza f de corbata
tie rack Ncorbatero m
tie tack N (US) = tiepin
tie back VT + ADV [+ curtains] → recoger
to tie one's hair backrecogerse el pelo
her hair was tied back with a ribbonllevaba el pelo recogido con un lazo
tie down VT + ADV
1. (with rope) [+ object, person, animal] → sujetar, amarrar (LAm)
2. (= restrict) → atar
having a pet ties you downtener una mascota te ata
he felt tied down by the relationshipse sentía atado por la relación
we didn't want to tie ourselves down to a mortgageno queríamos atarnos a una hipoteca
3. (= commit) to tie sb downhacer que algn se comprometa
we can't tie him down to a dateno conseguimos que se comprometa a una fecha concreta
tie in
A. VI + ADV to tie in with sth (= tally) (with facts) → concordar or cuadrar con algo; (= fit in) (with arrangements) → coincidir con algo
it doesn't tie in with what he told usno concuerda or cuadra con lo que nos dijo
the wedding was arranged to tie in with David's leavela boda se planeó de modo que coincidiera con el permiso de David
B. VT + ADV to tie sth in with sth (= link) → relacionar algo con algo; (= fit in) [+ meeting, visit] → hacer coincidir algo con algo
you can't tie me in with any of the killingsno puedes relacionarme con or vincularme a ninguno de los asesinatos
tie on VT + ADVatar
tie up
1. (= fasten, secure) [+ parcel, person, horse, sb's shoelaces] → atar, amarrar (LAm); [+ one's shoelaces] → atarse, amarrarse (LAm); [+ boat] → amarrar
see also loose
2. (= make inaccessible) [+ money, capital] → inmovilizar
he has a fortune tied up in propertytiene una fortuna inmovilizada or invertida en bienes inmuebles
how much money have you got tied up in the product?¿cuánto dinero tienes invertido or metido en el producto?
3. (= conclude) [+ business deal] → concluir, cerrar
4. (= link) to be tied up with sthestar relacionado con algo, estar vinculado a algo
I'm sure her disappearance is tied up with the robberyestoy seguro de que su desaparición está relacionada con el robo or vinculada al robo
don't get tied up with people like himno te mezcles con gente como él
5. (= occupy) to be tied up (with sth/sb)estar ocupado (con algo/algn)
he's tied up with the manager just nowahora está ocupado or tratando un asunto con el jefe
I'm tied up tomorrowmañana estoy ocupado
sorry I'm late, I got tied upsiento llegar tarde, me entretuvieron
6. (esp US) (= obstruct, hinder) [+ traffic] → paralizar, inmovilizar; [+ production] → paralizar; [+ programme] → interrumpir
1. (= be linked) to tie up with sthestar relacionado con algo, estar vinculado a algo
2. (Naut) → atracar, amarrar
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= necktie) → cravate f
(= link) → lien m
They want to loosen their ties with Britain → Ils veulent relâcher leurs liens avec la Grande-Bretagne.
family ties → liens mpl familiaux
to have family ties somewhere → avoir des parents quelque part
(= draw) → match m nul
It was a tie → Ils ont fait match nul.
(= match) a cup tie → une rencontre de Coupe
(US) (on rail track)traverse f
(= attach) to tie sth to sth → attacher qch à qch
He had tied the dog to one of the trees → Il avait attaché le chien à un des arbres.
to tie sb to sth → attacher qn à qch
(= make knot in) [+ lace, string] → nouer
to tie a knot in sth → faire un nœud à qch
to tie sth in a bow → faire un nœud avec qch
to tie a ribbon around sth → attacher un ruban autour de qch, nouer un ruban autour de qch
a little dog with a ribbon tied round its neck → un petit chien qui avait un ruban attaché autour du cou
(= do up) [+ parcel] → ficeler; [+ shoe] → lacer
She tied the parcel with string → Elle ficela le paquet.
(= connect) to be closely tied → être étroitement lié(e)
to be tied to sth → être lié(e) à qch
(= draw) → faire match nul
They tied three all → Ils ont fait match nul, trois à trois.
They tied for first place
BUT Ils ont terminé premiers ex aequo.
to tie with sb → terminer ex aequo avec qn
tie down
(= attach) → attacher
(= restrict) → enchaîner
(= commit) to tie sb down to sth → astreindre qn à qch
I couldn't tie him down to an exact price → Je n'ai pas pu lui faire dire le prix exact.
to be tied down to sth (= restricted) → être prisonnier/ière de qch
You're not tied down to a specific date → Vous n'êtes pas prisonnier d'une date précise.
tie in
vi (= correspond) → correspondre
to tie in with sth → correspondre à qch
tie on
vt [+ label] → attacher (avec une ficelle)
tie up
[+ parcel] → ficeler
[+ dog, boat] → attacher
[+ person, prisoner] → ligoter
[+ arrangements] → conclure
to be tied up (= busy) → être occupé(e)tie-break [ˈtaɪbreɪk] n
(in tennis)jeu m décisif, tie-break m
(in quiz)question f subsidiairetie-in [ˈtaɪɪn] n (= link) → lien mtie-on label nétiquette f volantetie-pin [ˈtaɪpɪn] n (British)épingle f de cravate
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(esp US: also neck tie) → Krawatte f, → Schlips m (inf), → Binder m (dated form)
(Archit, Build, also tie beam) → Binderbalken m, → Bundbalken m; (= tie piece)Stichbalken m; (Mus) → Haltebogen m; (US Rail) → Schwelle f; (= cord)Schnur f
(fig: = bond) → Band nt (liter), → Beziehung f, → (Ver)bindung f; ties of friendshipfreundschaftliche Beziehungen or Bande (liter) pl; the blood tieBlutsbande pl; business tiesGeschäftsverbindungen pl; he’s investigating the ties between Pasternak and Rilkeer untersucht die Beziehung zwischen Pasternak und Rilke; family tiesfamiliäre Bindungen pl
(= hindrance)Belastung f(on für); family tiesfamiliäre Bindungen or Fesseln pl; I don’t want any tiesich will keine Bindung, ich will mich nicht gebunden fühlen
(Sport etc: = result) → Unentschieden nt; (= match etc ending in draw)unentschiedenes Spiel; the match ended in a tiedas Spiel endete mit einem Unentschieden; the result of the competition was a tieder Wettkampf ging unentschieden aus; there was a tie for second placees gab zwei zweite Plätze
(Brit esp Ftbl: = match) → Spiel nt
(= fasten)binden (→ to an +acc), → befestigen (→ to an +dat); tie the string round the treebinde die Schnur um den Baum; my hands are tied (fig)mir sind die Hände gebunden
(= knot) shoelace, tie, ribbonbinden; to tie a knot in somethingeinen Knoten in etw (acc)machen; to tie a bow in a ribbon or a ribbon in a bowein Band zu einer Schleife binden
(fig: = unite, link) → verbinden
(= restrict) personbinden (→ to an +acc)
(Sport) the match was tieddas Spiel ging unentschieden aus
tied (Mus, notes) → gebunden
(ribbon etc) it won’t tie properlyes lässt sich nicht richtig binden; it ties at the backes wird hinten (zu)gebunden
(Sport) → unentschieden spielen; (in competition, vote) → gleichstehen; they tied for first place (Sport, competition) → sie teilten sich den ersten Platz; (Sch) → sie waren (mit den gleichen Noten) die Klassenbesten


tie beam
n (Archit) → Spannbalken m
tie-break, tie-breaker
n (Tennis, in quiz etc) → Tiebreak m, → Tie-Break m
tie clip


vtnach dem Bindebatikverfahren färben
(= connection, relationship)Verbindung f, → Beziehung f, → Zusammenhang m
(US: = sale) → Kopplungsgeschäft nt
attr tie edition (of book) → Begleitbuch nt, → Buch ntzum Film/zur Serie; tie sale (US) → Kopplungsgeschäft nt
tie line
n (Telec) → Direktverbindung f
adj attr cover, cushionzum Anbinden or Festbinden
nKrawattennadel f, → Schlipsnadel f (inf)


tie rod
n (Aut) → Lenkspurstange f
(= connection)Verbindung f
(US: = stoppage) → Stillstand m; there is a tie in transportationder Verkehr steht still or ist lahmgelegt
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. n
a. (Brit) (also necktie) → cravatta; (cord, ribbon, string) → legaccio (fig) (bond) → legame m
black/white tie (on invitation) → smoking/abito di rigore
the children are a tie → i bambini legano
ties of friendship → legami d'amicizia
family ties → legami familiari
b. (Sport) (draw) → pareggio; (match in series) → incontro (Pol) → parità f inv di voti
the match ended in a tie → l'incontro è finito con un pareggio
cup tie (Brit) (Sport) (match) → incontro di coppa
c. (Am) (Rail) → traversina
2. vt (gen) (fig) → legare; (ribbon) → annodare (also tie up) (shoe) → allacciare, allacciarsi
to tie sth in a bow → annodare qc
to tie a knot (in sth) → fare un nodo (a qc)
to get tied in knots (also) (fig) (fam) → ingarbugliarsi
to tie a necktie → fare il nodo a una cravatta
my job ties me to London → il mio lavoro mi tiene a Londra
his hands are tied (fig) → ha le mani legate
3. vi
a. (dress, shoes) → allacciarsi
b. (Sport) (draw) → pareggiare
tie back vt + adv (curtains) → fissare
to tie back one's hair → farsi la coda (di cavallo)
tie down vt + advassicurare, fissare con una corda (fig) to tie sb down to sthcostringere qn ad accettare qc
to tie sb down to a promise/a price/a time → costringere qn a mantenere una promessa/ad accettare un prezzo/a venire a una certa ora
to be tied down to sth (promise, date) → essere vincolato/a da qc
to be tied down (restricted) → essere legato/a mani e piedi
tie in
1. vi + adv to tie in (with) (correspond) → corrispondere (a); (be connected) → avere legami (con)
2. vt + adv to tie in (with) (meeting, visit) → far coincidere (con); (findings) → far combaciare (con)
tie on vt + adv (Brit) (label) → attaccare
tie together vt + advlegare (insieme)
tie up
1. vi + adv (Naut) → ormeggiare
2. vt + adv (person, parcel) → legare; (boat) → ormeggiare (fig) (capital) → impegnare; (business deal) → concludere; (connect) → ricollegare
to be tied up (with sb/sth) (busy) → essere occupato/a or impegnato/a (con qn/a fare qc)
the traffic was tied up by the accident → il traffico è rimasto bloccato per l'incidente
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(tai) present participle ˈtying: past tense, past participle tied verb
1. (often with to, ~on etc) to fasten with a string, rope etc. He tied the horse to a tree; The parcel was tied with string; I don't like this job – I hate being tied to a desk.
2. to fasten by knotting; to make a knot in. He tied his shoelaces.
3. to be joined by a knot etc. The belt of this dress ties at the front.
4. to score the same number of points etc (in a game, competition etc). Three people tied for first place.
1. a strip of material worn tied round the neck under the collar of a shirt. He wore a shirt and tie.
2. something that joins. the ties of friendship.
3. an equal score or result (in a game, competition etc); a draw.
4. a game or match to be played.
be tied up
1. to be busy; to be involved (with). I can't discuss this matter just now – I'm tied up with other things.
2. (with with) to be connected with.
tie (someone) down
to limit someone's freedom etc. Her work tied her down.
tie in/up
to be linked or joined (logically). This doesn't tie in (with what he said before).
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


رِبَاطُ العُنْق, يَتَعَادَلُ مَعْ, يَرْبُطُ kravata, remizovat, svázat binde, slips, spille uafgjort med binden, Schlips, unentschieden spielen γραβάτα, δένω, είμαι ισόπαλος atar, corbata, empatar päättyä tasapeliin, sitoa, solmio attacher, cravate, finir à égalité kravata, vezati, završiti neodlučnim rezultatom cravatta, legare, pareggiare ネクタイ, 引き分ける, 縛る 넥타이, 매다, 비기다 gelijk spelen, stropdas, vastknopen knytte, medføre, slips krawat, przywiązać, zremisować amarrar, empatar, gravata завязывать, сводить вничью, узел knyta, slips, spela oavgjort เนคไท, เสมอกัน, ผูกให้แน่น bağlamak, berabere kalmak, kravat buộc, cà vạt, hòa , 打平手, 领带
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. ligadura, lazo; conexión;
v. amarrar, atar, enlazar;
to be tied upestar muy ocupado-a.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


n corbata; npl (to restrain a patient) ataduras, correas
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
He came rushing into the nursery with the crumpled little brute of a tie in his hand.
"This tie, it will not tie." He became dangerously sarcastic.
Not only did I tie the puppy's legs, but I thrust a stick through his jaws and tied them together securely.
Don Quixote looked all round, and seeing nobody, at once, without more ado, dismounted from Rocinante and bade Sancho get down from Dapple and tie both beasts securely to the trunk of a poplar or willow that stood there.
To consent to a divorce, to give her her freedom, meant in his thoughts to take from himself the last tie that bound him to life--the children whom he loved; and to take from her the last prop that stayed her on the path of right, to thrust her down to her ruin.
"Come away at once and help me to tie up some mutton bones in a counterpane," said Anna Maria.
Besides, those who contrive this plan of community cannot easily avoid the following evils; namely, blows, murders involuntary or voluntary, quarrels, and reproaches, all which it would be impious indeed to be guilty of towards our fathers and mothers, or those who are nearly related to us; though not to those who are not connected to us by any tie of affinity: and certainly these mischiefs must necessarily happen oftener amongst those who do not know how they are connected to each other than those who do; and when they do happen, if it is among the first of these, they admit of a legal expiation, but amongst the latter that cannot be done.
"I'll tie 'em up out of reach of each other to-night," Bill said, as they took the trail.
"You feel, as I do, that the real tie lies in the feelings and expectations we have raised in other minds.
'Goodbye, Gretel.' 'Goodbye, Hans.' Hans takes the goat, ties its legs, and puts it in his pocket.
The telegraph operator of Winesburg, sitting in the darkness on the railroad ties, had become a poet.
Some loose boards laid upon the ties supporting the rails of the railway supplied a footing for him and his executioners -- two private soldiers of the Federal army, directed by a sergeant who in civil life may have been a deputy sheriff.