

n.1.An instrument of torture for compressing the thumb; a thumbscrew.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Every culture has a wealth of children's games, such as counting-out rhymes (finger/toe counting, such as "this little piggie"), finger plays ("where is thumbkin?" or "itsy bitsy spider"), handclapping rhymes ("pat-a-cake"), jump rope jingles ("Cinderella dressed in yellow"), hide-and-seek, and such.
My experience of this art so far had been hymns, solemn, booming; the ridiculous ditties of preschool ("Where is Thumbkin?" "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider"); and Mother's lullabies (occasionally she would soothe me into that delicious, heavy, hammocky feeling of just-about-asleep, crooning what I later learned was Irving Berlin--"I'll be loving you always").
Recitation Action Song "Thumbkin says I dance!" Address by Rev.
Put the toys away by playing a singing color game: To the tune of "Where is Thumbkin?" sing, "Where is red?
Enhanced with a reinforced library binding for an extended shelf life, a section specifically describing movements and gestures, and featuring simple 'child friendly' text written at a first grade level with a preschool through second grade interest level, the individual titles comprising this outstanding and highly recommended series for family, school, and community library collections includes Grey Squirrel; I'm a Little Teapot; The Itsy Bitsy Spider; Knock at the Door; Pat-a-Cake, Pat-a-Cake; Round and Round the Garden; The Wheels on the Bus; and Where is Thumbkin?.
She also enjoyed finger plays, along with other songs, such as "Five Little Monkeys" and "Where Is Thumbkin?" She monitored the utterances of those who spoke English by active listening and watching.