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Related to theriaca: Theriaca andromachi

theriac, theriaca

a compound of sixty-four drugs made into an electuary by pulverization and the addition of honey, formerly used as an antidote for poison. Also called Venice treacle. — theriac, theriacal, therial, adj.
See also: Remedies
a compound of sixty-four drugs made into an electuary, formerly used as an antidote for poison. Also called Venice Treacle. — theriac, theriacal, therial, adj.
See also: Drugs
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References in classic literature ?
Fragment #21 -- Scholiast on Nicander, Theriaca, 452:
The two poems of Nicander that have survived in their entirety are the Theriaca, about venomous animals and the treatment of their wounds (958 lines), and the Alexipharmaca, about herbal medicines (630 lines).
Texas fifth-grader shares National Spelling Bee title; Coppell eighth-grader trips up over 'theriaca', The Dallas Morning News
Nicander of Colophon's Theriaca: A Literary Commentary
sealing clay and theriaca or by its moderate temperament which cools what is warm and warms what is cold.
El medico renacentista Andres Laguna no hace una especial referencia a las propiedades medicinales de los ajos, solamente comenta que iguales propiedades tienen los que crecen salvajes como los cultivados, aunque si senala que constituian <<familiar Theriaca de rusticas gentes>> indicando el uso popular en medicina lo que equivalia a senalar que entre las clases sociales de la burguesia y nobleza ya estaba desterrado su uso.
A referee referred me to the use of a related word ptisavnon in an epic context (Nicander, Theriaca 590).